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The wall of AWESOME!

Jeremy is a great speaker ... kept my attention and made it pertinent to what is happening today.

National OPSEC Conference

Knows how to speak to our level. Always entertaining while educating. Appreciate the dry humor and especially the 1-2 page summary handout of key notes.

National OPSEC Conference

Jeremy speaks with students at the University of Advancing Technology, Tempe AZ
[Corkboard source]

One on one or group consulting

Sometimes the best way to improve your business processes is to show a skilled outsider how you do things and let them make suggestions for improvement. As a consultant, I can show you where your information practices may be lacking and provide specific steps on how to mitigate or eliminate the risks in the following areas:

  • Does your company trust new technology too easily? RFID, Cloud Technology, e-voting. Industry is usually quick to adopt new capabilities without first considering the risk often with disastrous results.
  • There are good tools and techniques out there for keeping your company data safe. Does yours use them?
  • Do you have policies in place that handle visitors, that describe what can be thrown away or sold and what can’t?
  • Do you have a threat-awareness program to warn employees of current and emerging threats? Do your employees pay attention to it?

Hiring me

Even if I’m only able to improve one or two of your practices in our time together, the risks of bad publicity or lawsuits that you avoid will certainly justify the cost.

"Fantastic course!!! It should absolutely be mandatory for all federal employees even if their job doesn't directly deal with the web. Great use of photos and multimedia video clips."
Class attendee
National Defense University


If you want to learn more about my professional background, click here to learn more.

Check out one of my guides/tutorials:

seminar destroy Tutorial
|INDEX|next: The Consequences of Posting Online
Online Addiction: From gambling to surfing and online gaming, people can destroy themselves and others with online addiction.
Posting Online: The Internet never forgets anything completely. Make sure you don't make mistakes that will stick with you for the rest of your life.
Protecting Photos: The Internet never forgets anything completely. Make sure you don't make mistakes that will stick with you for the rest of your life.
Getting Tricked: You WERE doing fine... until someone convinced you to install a virus or give away your passwords. Don't fall for it!
Account Hijacking: One of the most common security risks today is people getting their accounts taken over and then used to trick their friends and family.
Trusting Webservices: An online service promises they'll 'Never abuse or misuse your data' and you believe them? Think again.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Online Addiction

Concerned about online addiction? You should be. Learn the types, the signs, and the preventions.

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The Consequences of Posting Online

It's fun to post online. What you think, what you feel. But words typed and posted on the Internet can come back to bite you more than anything you could say with your mouth.

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Photo Safety

You can reveal far more than you intended when you post a photo online. Don't make a critical mistake and check your photos before they're online.

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Tricks and Scams

Just because you won't willing give up data doesn't mean that I can't trick you out of it. Don't fall for these well known tricks!

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Account Hijacking

One of the newest threats we face is the risk of someone getting control of your online account and using it against you and the people you know. Do everything you can to prevent that from happening!

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Trusting Companies

Store, online or off, are not known for being fair and helpful unless it benefits them to be so. Good deals exist, but many are bad deals in disguise. It's not in your best interests to be too trusting with any of them.

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