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Why I Am A “Brony” (a fan of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”)

Even if I weren't the father of young children, I'd still watch kid shows. I am and have always been a fan of cartoons and animation whether they be Youtube shorts, full featured movies, cartoons, American or foreign. Though I'll give most animations a chance, I have a very high standard for what I consider to be good or great.

Among things that meet this standard are most Pixar and Dreamworks movies and cartoon series that focus on excellent characters and story such as many Japanese animations ("anime") and the few, but growing cadre of American cartoons that put in the effort (such as the new "Clone Wars" series and Avatar the Last Airbender).

Some of the greatest animations in the last few years

Now I've never been afraid of "girl shows" as I was a honest fan of My Little Pony, Care Bears, Rainbow Brite and others when I was very young, but with the super saccharine quality and overabundance of rainbows, ribbons, and makeovers, I'm unable to enjoy them anymore even if it's just watching it with the kids. These days I can only tolerate "girl" shows with much more effort in design and execution like some of the modern Barbie videos (which are watchable once or twice) and Disney's recent movies like Tangled and The Princess and the Frog (which are excellent!).

Which brings us to Hasbro's new incarnation of My Little Pony. In this new series, the lead designer is the talented and admirable Lauren Faust who I'll admit I knew nothing about before watching this show. As I've researched her and the work she's done to make shows that are unique, fun, and promote the kind of image for girls that I admire, I've become a fan of not just her work, but her ideals as well. What she's working to achieve for girls is similar to the work Bill Cosby did in his career to help break stereotypes for black Americans.

You're welcome to read the whole story of how Lauren got involved and her vision for the show if you want (I did), but I'll just concentrate on the end product:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (FiM)

Anyone who can watch an animation and like it should not be surprised that someone of my age and gender is a fan of this show. The issue arises when people make a snap judgement of what this show must be based on what it once was. "How can you watch a show made for little girls?" the saying often goes. The obvious answer as evidenced by the thousands and thousands of older fans of both genders is "because it's that good".

Page after page after page can explain the phenomenon and theorize as to why this is, but it's not that hard to understand:


The sisters who rule Equestria (artist)

The series starts with a 2-part story of the conclusion of a 1000 year drama that not only introduces the main characters, but also the world and general framework from which the rest of the series will be grounded. In short, an over-studious disciple (Twilight Sparkle) of the worlds leader and most magical pony (Princess Celestia) is sent off to study the importance (and magic) of friendship (in other words, to stop ignoring other people for the sake of her studies).

Each episode tells an engaging story that involves a few of the main cast characters at a time as they struggle with concepts such as trust, jealousy, even how to handle when your friends are fighting with each other or don't like your other friends.


click to see the scene

As each story progresses, the show's creators take humor, inside jokes, and drama, and mix these with a healthy dose of unexpected creativity to reach the eventual conclusion. For example, in one episode, Twilight Sparkle is given two golden tickets to the kindgom's most prestigious party (a perk of being a direct disciple of the princess).

Her 5 close friends all want the second ticket, but instead of cowering away from the problem and crying about it (what would likely happen in previous editions of My Little Pony), Twilight actively berates her friends for fighting over it and trying to do her favors to influence her choice. But even though she tries to be level-headed and fair, the stress of trying to decide drives her to angry outbursts and frustration. To show such strength at the same time as weakness in the same character in the same episode in a completely natural, relatable, and realistic way is not just admirable, it's exceptional.

And as is typical of any excellent show (animated or otherwise), elements of the story and sometimes entire episodes reference events and characters that occurred in previous episodes. Because of this, the world and the characters grow and change and are allowed to tell a story (there are two main stories told in the first season, one which reached its conclusion and other that is likely to become more of a continuing plot device).

Episode 3, Tickets to the gala. Episode 14, designing gowns. Episode 26, the big night!

Furthermore, there are many themes and pop culture references designed for adults (just as any major animated movie is these days). My Little Pony has always been a "little girls show", but the newest version was specifically designed not to be (and is instead what one would call a family show).


The design is respectful of the original My Little Pony with the major changes being the Anime-like eyes and the highly unique hair designs for each. Unlike every iteration before it, FiM uses more than just colors and markings to differentiate characters, it uses body type, hair, and even the shape of the eyes. See this comparison of the main 6 characters:

The six main characters comparison picture

Besides the look, there's also the movements. When walking, flying, or hopping, the hair bounces and flaps in the wind, the shoulders and flank move in rhythm, the face shows incredibly detailed emotions.

Walking animation(source)
Various expressions from the show

The effort put into design isn't reserved just for the characters though. The sets and backgrounds are amazingly detailed and stylistically inspiring. Rather than use the same 2 or 3 locations like many cartoons, this show covers massive ground from the desert to the forest, big cities, small villages, and even cities in the clouds. Nearly every episode has a new set of buildings, rooms, or landscapes; some of which are never used again.

The background designers use fairly simple shapes, colors, and shading, in artistically sophisticated ways to give depth, convey the scene's mood, and strengthen the story or characters.

The castle gate, during night, covered in snow (Source)
An elaborate fortune teller's tent, used for one scene of one episode (Source)
An observation room. It's cluttered to show how stressed and unkempt the main character was becoming at the time. (Source)

Voice Acting

Before speaking of each pony specifically, let me first say that great voice acting is sadly a very rare thing. This is because:

Alert… Sarcasm inbound!

Given the sad state of animation voice acting, it's not only a great surprise but an enormous relief to hear the excellent, professional, and perfectly delivered voices that are given to each character in the show (whether they are a main character or not). Here's a sample conversation between Rainbow Dash and one of the younger ponies on the show: Apple Bloom (who's actually voiced by a real life young girl!).

Click this to watch a clip from the show.

Here's a backup video to download if the Youtube link above doesn't work (Video: 1.8Mb)

The Cast

So that about covers the art, animation, and physical characteristics of the show, but what about the ponies themselves? One of the greatest components of the show is the vast and varied cast. The creators are not afraid to have speaking background ponies who show up and disappear as needed which greatly adds to the variety and prevents "Simpsons Stagnation Syndrome".

But for time reasons, I'll just concentrate on the main 8 characters.

Princess Celestia

Celestia is the ruler of Equestria and is visually distinctive from all other ponies by her height, horn+wings at the same time, and 80's-space-anime-style flowing hair. She is a powerful, but gentle ruler who shows compassion and tender nurturing for her subjects. She's immensely patient (and she should be for someone who's over 1000 years old!) and kind. She has a sense of humor and isn't too uptight about problems, mistakes, or formalities.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle is a bookworm who studies constantly to the point of neglecting all other relationships except the one between her, Celestia, and Spike (her friend and assistant). She's given a rude awakening when she's commanded by the Princess to make some friends, but she quickly learns that having friends is not only tolerable, but awesome!

Her positive traits are logic, rational thought, intelligence and natural leadership. Others look up to her for her wealth of knowledge and singularly unique talent for magic.

As a role-model, she is the voice of reason cautioning others from being to quick to judge people for being different and jumping to conclusions. Though her strong need to understanding and clarity can cause her some frustration, Twilight's calm and rational approach to things solves more problems than not.


Spike is a baby dragon who was raised with Twilight (though practically BY Twilight). He is a devoted friend and assistant to her studies and acts like a little brother who idolizes and adores his older sister.

His positive traits are hard work, devotion, rational thinking, honesty and being extremely good natured. He sometimes makes some bad decisions, but isn't afraid to admit he was wrong and apologize.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie is eccentric and hard to understand at times, but like all the ponies is extremely devoted to her friends. She's a bit of a ditz and very emotionally charged, but mostly that energy gets funneled into her intense powers of fun and excitement.

Her positive traits are being fun and carefree, but all while taking things seriously when they need to be. She's amazingly courageous and strong-willed (when she decides something, boy does she follow through!)

As a role-model, she encourages others to have fun and relax. She has great compassion and cares for strangers or people in need.

Apple Jack

Apple Jack is a stereotypical farm girl with a Southern accent who works in an apple orchard. She lives with her Granny (Granny Smith) and her big brother (Big Macintosh) and little sister (Apple Bloom). She's not afraid to act when needed, though sometimes leaps to action without thinking.

Her positive traits are hard work, determination, problem solving, and great talent for cooking. She's a very active pony who's skilled in sports and physical activities.

As a role-model, she demonstrates level-headedness and strong devotion to family.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow dash is a sporty tomboy who loves flying, acrobatics, and speed. She's strong willed and quick to action, but is also the most impulsive of the ponies and is sometimes selfish and arrogant.

Her positive traits are loyalty, acrobatic skill, and protective instincts for people she cares about.

As a role-model, she shows that great skill comes from practice and hard work and that dreams are something you make happen, not something that happen to you. Though it may cause problems at times, Rainbow Dash shows that it's important to speak your mind.


Rarity loves fashion, glamor, and high society. She owns a fashion boutique where she creates dresses and outfits for sale (of her own design). She's a bit haughty and snooty at times, but has proven again and again that her true nature is that of generosity, kindness, and caring for others. Like Rainbow Dash, she can be selfish at times.

Her positive traits are creativity and artistry and confidence in self.

As a role-model, she shows that you can be girly and powerful at the same time. Rarity takes responsibilities seriously and will follow through on any task she undertakes.


Fluttershy is a quiet and shy pony who is extremely devoted to animals. Though she is a pegasus, she chooses to live on the ground to be close to her animal friends. At times her timid personality becomes a problem when she's unable to do what needs to be done.

Her positive traits are kindness, caring, and bravery that, once drawn out, is a force to be reckoned with.

As a role-model, she shows how its easy to be taken advantage of and pushed into things you don't want if you don't speak up and stand up for yourself. Also, it's important to stand up for others who can't do it themselves. Lastly, she demonstrates that it's ok to fail because that may change the way you see things for the better.

FiM characters were designed to showcase a wide range of female character types both to improve relatability for the target audience, but also to give the not-so-subtle message that people of all types can get along. However, the extremely powerful combination of looks, sound, and behavior of the ponies is what makes them fun, unique, but also popular especially with males.

Why a Brony

And now we get to the meat of it. Why is it that so many adult males are drawn to this show? Why do we hear the comments "Why do I like this so much? What's wrong with me!?" and "I watched one episode and I was hooked" so much? Far from being strange, it's entirely natural.

Poor Rainbow Dash 🙁

Protective Instinct

Small, cute, cuddly, vulnerable. These are adjectives that describe each of the characters in the show at one point or another and they are also adjectives that trigger an instinctive adoration and protective response in males. Anyone who's seen the devotion a man has to his dog or his spouse and children (sometimes in that order) knows this.


Strong, skilled, intellectually stimulating, fun, exciting. These are ALSO adjectives that describe each member of the cast at different times and trigger feelings of admiration, respect, and idolization.

The fact is that the ponies and world that Lauren Faust and Hasbro have created did what was intended: they represent all the positive and just a few of the negative (but realistic) traits of real girls! The effect that they didn't anticipate is how drawn males would be to characters that embody the traits of females they know and love (mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, etc).

Gender Neutral Lessons

Applejack and her big brother (Source)

FiM is a show where people, even ones who disagree, can get along and are treated fairly and kindly. Friends are loyal and supportive and even when things go wrong, the support and love of those close to you help you through it. Even in the darkest of times, family ties are close and honest. Anyone can (and should) identify with those message; male or female.

Inspiring Creation

Consider the vast world, the 1000 year backstory, the diverse background cast and you've got immense fodder for fan fiction and art. Deviantart.com, a social community for artists, photographers, and the like, has exploded with pony fandom. Comics, custom art, sketches and more appear daily while custom video mixes appear in droves on Youtube. Established communities such as 4Chan and Reddit have also developed devoted sub-cultures around the show. Many new fan-driven webpages have launched all around the web spurred by the creative minds who've found this show to be inspirational.

The largest pony site as of the writing of this article is Equestria Daily which has achieved over 68 million page views in only a few months since its launch.

In Conclusion

My Little Pony has been rebooted into an excellent show and there's hardly any surprise that people are enjoying it. While many find it odd, there are literally no logical arguments for why it would be wrong for someone to like and watch this show. If you haven't given the show a try, why not now?


Famous Pony Fans


(possible) Deadmau5Wore a Fluttershy T-shirt onstage
[Confirmed] Andrew W.K – Did an MTV interview about why he likes Pinkie Pie

Webcomic artist

[suspected] Scott Ramsoomair of VG Cats – Drew a few comics with ponies in it, including this one
[confirmed] Greg Dean of Real Life ComicsPosted a comic about becoming a fan
Listing over over 100 pony sightings in popular webcomics

Gaming Industry

[confirmed] Jacob Minkoff (Uncharted)Blogged about how much he enjoys MLP
[confirmed] Notch (Minecraft)Doesn't identify as a "brony", but does like the show
[confirmed] Gabe Newell (Half Life)Says he's a Brony in an interview
[confirmed] Andrew Spinks – Creator of Terreria

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88 Comments to “Why I Am A “Brony” (a fan of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”)”

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You really shouldn’t be using fan art to illustrate the animation and design of the show. Imagine using a fan-dub to illustrate the voice-acting of the show…

Nice breakdown. The only thing I’d add is that the ‘girly-est’ ponies (Rarity, Pinkie, and Flutter) are shown to have a bit more (dark) stuff going on under the surface in the back nine.

    Fez D. Baron says:

    Yes. I will add how these dark aspect are also some of the most natural ones:
    Rarity is getting stressed by her job responsibilities and hindrances(every job has some), Pinkie face themost common fear , that of losing love and repsect from one’s own peers, as well as emboding the classical “crying inside clown”. And fluttershy,well her shyness means that she has lot of repressed feeling, that she just not allow herself to surface(a positive example is how she just let herself go when Rainbow Dash perform the Sonic Rainboom and save Rarity, when till tthat moment she was unable to make a barely audible “yay”.

    B. Reynolds says:

    I fail to see the darkness in Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie or Rarity – Please enlighten me.

It’s always good to see well thought out reasons -why- one can fall in love with a show like this. Excellent write up.

    Thank you! I had been planning it for a while, but the reason I chose now was too many people I see who are looking to justify their love of the show, or worse: hide it.

    I’m hoping this article can be something of a “Pocket Guide to Bronyism” or something people can point to when someone gives them grief over the show.

      Tyler Carson says:

      Thats exactly what I’m going to use it for. I have met someone that thinks my liking of My Little Pony is strange and weird. She didn’t have a reason, (quite literally) she just thought it was. I eventually got past it. However, this is something truly genuine I can show to her and others I encounter. Hopefully they will read with an open mind and a warmer heart.

      Thanks so much for this article you’ve written. These are the things that keep the fandom spirit strong and alive!

    ActionScripter9109 says:

    “Chef Sandy”… as in Chef Sandy of the Bronyville podcast? Awesome. I love your show.

dude spectacular article, I have been a brony for a week now and even I have been baffled and confused as to why I like this show. You have helped to me clarify and understand my own reasons and helped convince me that i’m perfectly normal.

    No problem at all. I got tired of people getting down on the Bronies and especially when the Bronies are getting down on themselves!

The best breakdown of the show I have seen.

Personally, I always give animations a chance as well since I am shamelessly addicted to them although I tend to hide shows like MLP. Reading this, however, will jus tmake me forward the link to anyone who wonders about why I enjoy stuff of this nature.

    There are only a few animations I will completely ignore (fly me to the moon comes to mind) so I’m pretty open minded for it. But this show sure is a lot more than a great animation 🙂

Very well-written article, nice work 🙂

ActionScripter9109 says:

Excellent article! This is going in my FiM bookmarks for sure. Great explanation for people who are new to the fandom or the show, and I love how you brought out the traits that naturally appeal to males, proving that it’s not a bunch of weirdos.

    By the reactions so far, I guess most people didn’t think of it or didn’t have the background to know. I’m glad I was able to explain how normal this really is.

I think you should find the craziest/looniest expressions of season 1 and post those, because i can see half of the ones you have posted are kinda blank. VERY nice writeup though! well said!

Very well thought out and a good summary.

thank you for this work.

this overview of the reasons so many men are drawn to this show ‘clicks’ very well to my thinking. and I certainly will point folks that question the fandom in the direction of this posting.

Nice review! I like the show because I have a history with using flash animation and I’m AMAZED

I thought this article was great. It helped me understand a little more about why I like the show. Before now I just kind of thought I liked it because I could or thought that maybe I’m a little girly or something (which, honestly, I kind of am). I also do like that the show does present good values in a friendship (which is admirable about a show if you ask me), and how it goes about introducing them. But another reason I like it is just kind of because I like the feel and look of it. You see, I grew up liking other cartoons that Lauren Faust helped develop, like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends (and the Powerpuff Girls… which I didn’t watch as much but it was still pretty cool at times). I had found out about the show from a few funny captioned pictures (memes I guess they’re called) and I immediately thought something like, “Hey this looks cool,” or “Hmm, the look of this cartoon seems… familiar.” I liked what I saw, then went from there.

Anyway, I thought that this article was really good and I’m undoubtedly going to bookmark it because it actually may help me in the future if I’m asked why I like the show, or if I try to convert one a friends to Bronyism. (I could print it in pamphlet form…ha). And I kind of also want to thank you because now I’m a little less embarrassed about my own Bronyism (though it’s still not something I’m going to tell my whole school about..

Oh, and sorry about the wall I made here. -Rireyu

    Thanks for your detailed response! It’s really something amazing to see the expression of one person’s along with a great studio turn into something so great. And every person who can say, “Now I’m not as ashamed” is a victory for me.

Jeremy (Not the author. A different Jeremy.) says:

Very good article. One thing I love about the show is the geek pop culture references. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, X-Men, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask,) Dr. Who. How could a geek not love this show?

Also, at first I HATED Rarity. “Oh great,” I thought, “Another vapid chick obsessed with fashion.” Now I love her. She has shown real depth of character. She’s still not my favourite (that would be Pinkie Pie,) but I do have a lot more respect and admiration for her (especially after “Suited for Success” and “A Dog and Pony Show.”) This just proves how great the characterization on this show is.

    Me too! Rarity used to bug me to no end, but man did she grow on me. I think they did a very good job of showing the depth of her character and, thusly, why she deserves respect.

      I’ve also become a Rarity fan. I love the fact that they took what could easily have been a stereotype (vapid, fashion conscious girl) who, in most shows, would have been the foil for the rest of the cast and, instead, entirely subverted our expectations for it.

      That, and she kind of reminds me of Audrey Hepburn.

        Agreed. In fact, I read a really great article very similar to what you said about how in many other shows she would have been the villain.

Randomjack says:

Very nice article. Concisely and persuasively describes some of the major features that make this show so very worth watching. As Faust says “Since when does being ‘for girls’ mean it must suck” (or something on those lines)

Very nice article. But what is the second recurring story element that you mentioned? The first is obviously the Gala, but I can’t seem to think of the second.

    It’s not a strong one, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders didn’t exist until the episode they were formed and then they followed up in later episodes. Technically I suppose it’s more of a plot device, but at least something happened in one episode that set the stage for another. I expect the second season will show us more about that or Luna’s story which will further validate the story point.

    I may be reaching a bit, but still, I count it 🙂

This is a nice writeup. I would add that the show is refreshingly free of the cynicism, ironic detachment, and “that’s so wrong” moments intended to fly over the heads of kids that infest so many mediocre children’s cartoons today. Surprisingly, it also has lots of slapstick that hearkens back to the WB cartoons I enjoyed as a child, but situated in a half-hour show with remarkably smart and complex characters (by kids TV standards) instead of short vignettes.

I would say that as far as relating to personality traits that the characters don’t just remind me of women I know, I will at times identify with them directly. I’m well past the age where I would claim women and men think the same, but they don’t think that dramatically differently. Twilight Sparkle may be the closest match to my personality I’ve seen on TV in quite a while – an aloof geek who is also a competent, motivated leader and organizer. Rainbow Dash trolls and talks trash just like the guys in my high school locker room. You kind of forget you’re watching an all-female cast up there.

Nice article. Your argument that you presented on why you liked the show (along with (ther bronies (my self included)) is very compelling, very well thought and presented with a clear and opened mind. I am a closet brony but after your article, I will probably tell everyone I know (most trusted friends and famly members only) about admiration for this excellent show and show them this article so they can see this article and maybe help them understand why we bronies like the show. Thanks for writting this article; I just hope it opens the eyes of some people.

Thank you, Jeremy, for illuminating why both my adult sons like this show. I find it entertaining myself, but couldn’t understand the appeal for young men. Your analysis helps shed some light on this puzzle.

    Honestly I think it goes even deeper than what I described. I believe that men (young and old) value love, compassion, and friendship just as much as girls, but they’re taught to hide or abandon those for fear of looking weak. I think people who are willing to admit they like this show are really just showing a higher level of maturity than the average male.

I just discovered this show by accident a couple weeks ago while surfing around on Youtube, and I’ve fallen absolutely in love with it. The more episodes I watched, the more I got pulled in. I can’t get over just how much I enjoy it! As you say in your very well written article, we love it because it deserves it. It’s that good. Thanks for this, and good work! I’m a brony and becoming a bit more proud of it every day, in part due to articles that I read like this one. And, uh, sorry for the late post.

MLPFIM is the greatest show ever.

honestly, when i read about the characters, i remembered their weaknesses. i think you should write about their mental ages(estimated) and what categories they’re weak in.

    True. I may add that in at some point, but I’m pretty busy with pony artwork right now 🙂

      That’s about the only thing I thought the article was lacking, frankly: the character descriptions read like stat sheets or something. It isn’t interesting to hear what each character’s “positive traits” are; what we’re reading the article for is to find out why guys love these goddamn ponies.

      Twilight’s, for example, could stand to spend more time talking about her social awkwardness and her vast array of delightful neuroses, which make for both a great deal of the show’s humor and also Twilight’s wonderful emotional vulnerability. She’s not just a POV Everyman; she’s a reclusive nerd who doesn’t know the difference between bragging and using your gifts positively, or whether her mentor will banish her for having a friend who does something stupid even after knowing her all this time.

      You get the idea. Positive and negative traits can be true of any show’s characters, including the 80s MLP. That’s just pitch-bible stuff. What makes this show something new and unbelievably cool is how much more complex these characters are than any three-sentence archetype can really convey, to say nothing of the development arcs they enjoy over the course of the show.

      Nice job on the article, and good luck on the art!

      Interesting take. I will have to consider that when I have a little extra time.

This is amazing. And having recently been assigned a paper with a topic of choice (while it must be approved by the professor), I feel like I should use this post as part of my research.

Thank you so much!

This was a great article, definitely one of the more detailed that I’ve seen. What do you think of season 2 so far?

    Thanks! There’s actually more I’d like to do and say, but how much time can I expect someone to give me, right?

    Season 2 has been really impressive in a lot of ways. They’ve really pushed the envelope at times such as with Twilight’s breakdown (which was uncomfortably grim and horrifying at times) and I really did not like what they did with Luna, but I expect there are reasons they went the way they did and I’ll try to respect that. Still, every other episode has been great in many ways; especially the little moments that really make this show great. Sweetie scooting from boredom, Fluer (fan name) the pony who looks like Luna, the hawk’s honorable withdrawl from the race to name a few.

Hey, this was a fantastic article! Before this, I have done a little research as to why others are drawn to the show, and this pinpoints reasons with good precision and background information.

I love the show and the brony community, but I’m having trouble with friends accepting it. In fact, just today, I told my 21yr old sister (subtly) that I enjoy it (I’m 18), she said she was intrigued by the attention of it, but found the one episode she watched unappealing and boring. At this news, she announced to my family that I watch the show. Worst 10 minutes of my life. Still running the scenario in my head now. I despise being mocked, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t get over it a lot of the time. If only they took the time, to watch some of the better episodes, and see how great it really is 🙁

    For now, my advice is to not try to convince them to watch the show, but to first get comfortable with your position first. You say that you felt awkward when they teased you about it. My advice is to get your mind right where you instead could have looked at them with complete bafflement and say “what is wrong with you people? You think it’s strange to watch a cartoon? Didn’t you guys enjoy Toy Story? Or UP or [insert any animated show or movie they’ve watched]?”

    Every good animation nowadays has many adult references that make the show anywhere from tolerable to downright awesome for adults to watch. For example, I was watching Fairly Oddparents with my kids (it’s not a great show, but it’s entertaining) and Timmy’s dad asked him in a roundabout way that the kids wouldn’t understand to murder someone for him.

    Besides, would there be something to make fun of if your sister watched Transformers or Ben 10? Those are little boys shows, but would anyone make fun of her?

    Worst case scenario, tell them they should be ashamed of themselves for mocking you when you’re watching the show to learn more about the industry because you have some interest in the field, but that their attitude is making you feel ashamed for no good reason. Men and women alike work on ALL animated shows do they not?

    There’s a few pointers for you, hope they help!

Very nicely written article, Jeremy.
I hadn’t exactly been able to put my finger on why one of the reasons we loved this show was because of the ponies were adorable creatures, but you expressed it in a way that made sense.

The one thing I disagree with, only partly, is that I think even male adults and teenagers can identify with the ponies, not just identify them with girls they know. I have a feeling that the characters, being complex and realistic as they are, do reveal character traits that are also present in most of the male viewers.

    True. They’re just traits of awsome people of either sex. I can agree with that.

    “The one thing I disagree with, only partly, is that I think even male adults and teenagers can identify with the ponies, not just identify them with girls they know. I have a feeling that the characters, being complex and realistic as they are, do reveal character traits that are also present in most of the male viewers.”

    ^^ I completely agree with this. My son (5) is younger than the male fan referenced in this article. He’s been obsessed with FiM from the day I played an episode in the sincere hope of boring him to sleep for a nap (totally backfired). In the midst of his superhero and zombie games, the ponies are given equal billing with the “good guys” like him. Sometimes he is a confident, brash, tough-talker who has amazing flying abilities and works together with Rainbow Dash. Other times, he helps Twilight read through her books until they find the archaic reference that saves the day. When they aren’t fighting, he and the Cutie Mark Crusaders search to discover his–and their– special talents together, or he plans fun parties with Pinkie Pie because it feels good to make friends smile. They are never treated as separate from the male characters, which I find remarkable in the case of a typical 5-year-old boy who is obsessed with war games. The characters are fully realized individuals, not just interesting “for girls” or tough in an artificial made-for-TV girl-power way.

I think this is well written and anyone who is not a brony or just someone who is just interested can enjoy and appreciate the information provided good job certainly clears up some things for me I can only hope more people can be more open minded and tolerant with bronies seeing that it is just a show and like many shows has fans

[…] Cadance, see? Twilight and Princess Cadance by *johnjoseco on deviantART The Geek Professor » Why I Am A “Brony” (a fan of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”) “Even if I weren’t the father of young […]

[…] sub video) (An impressive medley and compilation of clips from the show and fans’ works.) – The Geek Professor: “Why I am a Brony” – Documentary – Ballad of the Brony – FAQ do Equestria Daily (especially the second point) – […]

Pinkie Fan says:

Yeah, so I was certainly late getting aboard the MLP train.

I’m a 32 year old guy, straight (not that it really matters), and fairly macho. I had heard of the brony phenomenon and I admit that I quietly scoffed at the idea of teenage boys and adult men getting into a My Little Pony cartoon (I remember the original 80s cartoon and it was a little too saccharin for my taste – I was more into Transformers, He-Man, Thundercats, and G.I. Joe, although I also admit to having had a soft spot for She-Ra).

Well, this last weekend I had all to myself with no plans or obligations. So, after reading a recent article from the Associated Press on Bronycon I decided to sit down and see what could possibly be so great about this show. I wasn’t expecting much, to be perfectly honest.

Before I knew it, I was halfway through Season 1 and absolutely addicted. I’m a big fan of quality television shows, but in my adult years I typically watch shows with pretty heavy and/or depressing subject material. Dexter, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones are a few of the shows that I am a big fan of. With My Little Pony I found it refreshing to watch something that invariably brought a smile to my face with near each episode and just made me feel good.

I finished both Seasons over the weekend – that’s how much I enjoyed it – and I have quickly come to terms with the fact that I am a brony.

Anyway, on to my main point although I will keep it short. Since falling in love with MLP:FiM I have been trying to convince my younger brother (he’s 30) to give it a try, especially since he has a young daughter and I think they could enjoy it together. He has been…resistant. He even went so far as to beg me not to watch it when I told him once that I had been considering giving it a try. That’s when I found this article and I think it might convince him to set aside his preconceptions and give it a chance.

Anyway, excellent article. I appreciate your thoroughness in this write-up. I only hope that it helps convince my stubborn brother to give FiM an honest try.

    For now, I’d suggest just asking that he read the article and stop being so closed minded just based on a name. Many great Japanese animations have really off-putting titles, but they almost never have anything to do with the content or quality of the show. It’d be great if he’d give it a try, but don’t push it or he’ll never be able to watch it without that pressure in the back of his mind IMO.

    d.a.bs the brony says:

    I am 30 years of age and I have a brother that is your age…
    LOL weird huh. Anyway its just ironic that our roles seem revised I didn’t think anyone older then me would have any interest in such a childish show, when in fact it is not so childish as it is about learning a major part of growing up. On many levels that’s what makes it interesting, I was drawing in on an unconscious level…
    I like you used to watch most those shows and another on YouTube called Slender Man (good old Slendy) give em 20 dollars… Well clips and sometimes full episodes of MLP FIM would be off to the left of selection of other video’s and so I had to click on it. Ever since I’ve been bronyfied. X)

      My dad is big Anime fan so technically he’s watching children’s cartoons and loving them too. I think anyone can enjoy cartoons as long as they’re good enough.

“Small, cute, cuddly, vulnerable. These are adjectives that describe each of the characters in the show at one point or another and they are also adjectives that trigger an instinctive adoration and protective response in males.”

Here is another work of fiction, featuring a big-eyed, neotenous, adorably-cute female character, that compels paternal, protective urges in a male:


Little wonder macho, military guys like MLP-FIM.

I would have to agree with that, also that is why fandom is there just for the fans to do such so I don’t really see the problem. I liked it.

[…] sub video) (Um impressionante medley e compilação de partes da sĂ©rie e de trabalhos dos fĂŁs.) – The Geek Professor: “Why I am a Brony” – DocumentĂĄrio – Ballad of the Brony – FAQ do Equestria Daily (sobretudo a 2ÂȘ alĂ­nea) – […]

[…] sub video) (An impressive medley and compilation of clips from the show and fans’ works.) – The Geek Professor: “Why I am a Brony” – Documentary – Ballad of the Brony – FAQ do Equestria Daily (especially the second point) – […]

Yes! Finally something about dreamwork animated movies.

Princess Daniella Violet says:

I am a fan of My Little Pony!


My 12 year old brother was a real trouble maker. He took knives to school, told off teachers and was experimenting with alcohol he was permanently expelled from school too. He was on the fast track to destroying his live forever until…..he became a Brony. Even though he is still kicked out of school his whole attitude has changed for the better. He no longer tells me that I annoy him when I make the 250 mile trip to visit him and my mom, but instead offers to help me bring in my luggage and set up my air mattress.

My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic saved my brother’s life.

While I am not a Brony myself I have seen the term used more and more and wanted to find out more about it. I just wanted to share my support as a female who knows nothing of the show and the community around it. I think it is fantastic that we live in a world where men can push aside those expectations that certain shows are only for girls and just enjoy it. I hope that no Brony ever feels ‘weird’ or afraid for liking the show, but articles like this definitely help in giving support and letting people know that they are not alone.

    Sadly there are quite a few people who have very strong negative feelings about anyone so “different” than they are. The hate can be instant and vicious and some people have reported bullying and worse. So, sadly, we’re not “there” yet, but I think we’re evolving as a society and the whole brony phenomenon is helping.

I love my little pony and I am proud to say I am a brony and I will always be one too once a brony always a brony and soon I hope to go to bronycon MY LITTLE PONY IS AWESOME! !!!

Honestly imo, MLP FIM is quite boring.

Devon Shirley says:

Hi I loved all the information you provided for all the future or current brownies or their parents!

I am so glad I found this! It will help a lot in explaining to my parents why I like MLP.

[…] quite nicely. The characters are goofy but lovable. A great breakdown of the characters is noted on “Why I Am a Brony.” No character is perfect. They all have quirks and seem real, characters that even I as an adult can […]

I know this is a decently old article but I have to say thank you for writing it! I don’t actually fit into the stereotypical brony because of being a girl but I can say that people think that I’m weird and strange for being almost 16 and still loving MLP. It’s a constant reminder that society has weird ideas on what girls/guys and teens/adults should be watching.

I think the Vinland Saga S2 end theme fits quite well with the downfall of MLP and Bronies

Without love…

(MLP) played the game of life and had a ball
Crazy of (MLP) to think (it) had it all
But it doesn’t matter anymore
And (MLP) kept holding on to thĐ” power and lost (its) freedom


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