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Employees are allies, not the adversary


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Are You Listening?

Are You Listening? – The Geek Professor
Part of our dysfunctional culture is that dissent too often is regarded as form of disloyalty, of not being a team player. Yet to say nothing is tacit consent. Those who desire deep and durable change in our “corporate” culture need to gain the mature understanding that sometimes one’s most harsh critic is one’s most sincere friend.
–E. Writer
Employees are allies, not the adversary

Inside the US’s most secretive spy agency, dedicated employees protect our national security interests while suffering a level of toxicity that could send nuclear lizards tap-dancing through downtown Tokyo. Whether granting multi-million-dollar boondoggle contracts or forcing adoption of therapy-inducing tools and processes, employees watched helplessly as posturing and promotion bullets drove decisions instead of collaboration with stakeholders and the literal world-class experts at hand.

In my book, Are You Listening? Lessons in Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement from the Agency that Doesn’t Listen, you will read the combined stories of nearly 700 employees whose vital feedback was met with blank stares, silence, or retaliation ranging from lost promotion to revocation of security clearance. Stories about trauma-inducing investigations; rampant unaddressed harassment; and soul-crushing politics.

In the world’s first (probably) leadership book from the perspective of what not to do, you will learn how a culture of deafness leads to morale chasmic enough to draw paying tourists and wasted dollars numerous enough to fill it back up. Most of all, you will learn how every attempt to express good intentions/authenticity or boost morale will fail if you shut down the single, most important channel of feedback you have: your own employees.

Sign up for mail updates for the publishing of Are You Listening, Lessons in Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement from the Agency that Doesn't Listen and get a complimentary copy of my promotional mini-book, Reflections on an NSA Career!

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|INDEX|next: Protecting Social Security Numbers
It's impossible to fully prevent credit card fraud, but there are several things you can do to help.
Social security numbers have become the gateway to all kinds of identity abuses so the less people you give it to, the better.
Your data is as valuable as money so protect it like money!
What do you do once your data is already out there? This.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Protecting Credit Cards

Credit card fraud isn't ID Theft, but is closely relatedare often used fraudulently so do what you can to prevent it.

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Protecting Social Security Numbers

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Reputation Management

Just because there are things out there about you that are out of your control and are unflattering or worse, doesn't mean you're powerless.

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