The wall of AWESOME!

Very energetic speaker. Extremely knowledgeable. Great presentation. I've learned so much during this conference. Attended two of his lectures and enjoyed both.

National OPSEC Conference

Defense Civilian Emerging Leaders Program Graduation Certificate
Jeremy speaks with students at the University of Advancing Technology, Tempe AZ

Excellent job - never a bored moment which made things very interesting and entertaining.

Class attendee
Interagency OPSEC Support Staff

Jeremy speaks with students at the University of Advancing Technology, Tempe AZ
[Corkboard source]

Prepared Workshops

Computer Security Bootcamp

Designed for colleges and other community centers, but useful for businesses as well, this workshop is designed to demonstrate the proper configuration and use of general-use computers. Topics include:

This workshop is intended to improve your computing experience permanently so it is is BOYC: Bring your own computer. Preferably the one you use and work on every day.

While many of the tools described are PC only, Linux or Mac users will still be able to utilize the techniques and methodologies described.

Customizable Workshops

Let's face it; you can scream till you're blue in the face. You might read everything here (or know it already) and try to share it with others. "Read this site", you say. "Be safer and smarter", you say. It won't work and we both know it.

Human nature has a way of making you ignore people you know and favor information from complete strangers. That's where I come in. I will come and teach your people in a few hours tips, tricks, and rules; maybe even the same ones you've always taught them. But this time they'll hear it. I use humor and relevant examples to present information that has impact!

After attending my seminars, expect your people to have a different view of safety and security and to be armed with the mentality and tools that will keep your people safe, your information secure, and lessen your chances of being the next news scandal.

Workshop Topics

Every need is different. Whether it be an "office security day", a forum, or conference, the time and topics you require may vary. That's each topic is listed with approximate times so you can mix and match to make a session that suits you:

Passwords and authentication (20 to 30 minutes)
Recommended audience: Good for anyone who uses computers at any level

Protecting your assets (physical and virtual) means keeping out intruders. This is done with passwords, biometrics, badges, access cards, etc (but mostly passwords). But when your people don't understand the basics of protecting these authentication methods, your adversaries can easily exploit them. For the first time, your people will learn not only why it's important to protect their passwords, but how easy it is to do so. Also included is some discussion of alternate authentication methods; what works, what doesn't, and risk mitigation strategies.

Internet safety (40 to 50 minutes)
Recommended audience: Anyone who uses the Internet to send (e-mail, chat, messaging) or receive (browsing, research) information

You don't want to see a virus alert at work
Most of Internet safety is just a matter of adjusting the way you think about things along with a little background on how the Internet actually works. Whether it's keeping employees from accidentally downloading a virus or teaching them how to tell which e-mails and websites are fake, a lot of pain can be avoided with comparatively little instruction.

Home and family safety (40 to 50 minutes)
Recommended audience: Anyone.

Keep your family safe and anonymous
This is designed for employers who's employees work with sensitive information (government, defense contracts, police, lawyers etc). Bad guys will be more motivated to get to you through your employees so make sure they aren't unprepared for the threat. This session will mostly cover home computing, social networking, and privacy skills. Also good for employers who just want to make it clear that they care about their employees on a personal level!

Portable computing defense (20 to 30 minutes)
Recommended audience: Anyone who stores or transports sensitive information on tablets, phones, or media

An Android tablet device
Portable computing may add freedom and efficiency, but it also adds risk. I will show your employees the risks they face and give them concrete countermeasures to defend againt them. Be certain you give your employees the training they need and not just the devices.

Internet Research Skills (40 to 50 minutes)
Recommended audience: Employees in human resources, public relations, or the press office

Find or monitor. Put the power of the Internet in your hands.
This session is all about finding information. Do you want to screen new recruits? Do you want to know and manage your company's reputation online? Do you want to make sure your employees aren't posting too much work information online? Want to keep tabs on the competition? Or maybe you just want your employees to be able to efficiently find answers to problems online? No matter the need, efficient work comes from efficient use of the Internet as a fact-finding tool.

Business data defense (40 to 50 minutes)
Recommended audience: Anyone responsible for sensitive information

Learn how to protect your data (Photo source)
This is a rapid-pace session pointing out the most common ways that businesses lose their personnel, proprietary, or secret data. This will show techniques for stealing information, but focus on practical tips and a defensive mentality that will help your employees avoid current and future data theft.
Feel free to mix and match workshop topics and seminar topics to suit your needs!

Common topics:

For college/high school students (1 to 4 hours)

  • Internet Search skills
  • Reclaiming your privacy from the Internet
  • Internet Safety
  • Home and family safety

Students who are going to be heading out into the workforce are more marketable if they have strong Internet skills and lack embarrassing personal information or photos. This workshop is focused on giving potential hires a better mindset when it comes to the Internet making them more efficient and more hireable.

Businesses (1 to 6 hours)

  • Passwords and authentication
  • Internet safety
  • Business data-defense
  • Public speaking and communication
  • Collaborative leadership

Kept intentionally short out of respect for the time commitment needed, these workshops answer the question: how can I best improve my employees' handling of sensitive data in the least amount of time, with the least cost and effort?

Additionally, communication is the key to business success. If your workforce struggles to express their experience or your leaders are failing to listen, Jeremy can help.

"Fantastic course!!! It should absolutely be mandatory for all federal employees even if their job doesn't directly deal with the web. Great use of photos and multimedia video clips."
Class attendee
National Defense University


If you want to learn more about my professional background, click here to learn more.

Check out one of my guides/tutorials:

Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW
Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering - CASPIAN
The Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFF
The American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU
Public Citizen
The Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW

Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW

[Click for full description]

Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering - CASPIAN

Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering - CASPIAN

[Click for full description]

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (a.k.a. the EFF) - a nonprofit group of passionate people — lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect your digital rights.

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The American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU

The American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU

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Public Citizen

Public Citizen - A group of non-profit lawyers specializing in freedom of speech and other basic American rights.

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The Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC

The Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC

[Click for full description]