Yes, it's THAT book!

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Read a little about the book here:

Employees are allies, not the adversary


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Here's something that

I, Jeremy Duffy, actually recommend and think is worth checking out.
No web-bugs, no bs, just a legit recommmendation that I have personally evaluated before allowing it to be listed here:

Think something's here that shouldn't be? contact me!

If a company allows you to block tracking IDs, you should

Targeted ads is abusive by design. A website, app, or service can advertise just fine by knowing themselves and their customer base. Otherwise, ads can be “targeted” to the content of the page.

While tracking people like animals certainly does improve targeting, it’s a violation of privacy, unnecessary for the customer, and creates opportunities for abuse.

Disable tracking IDs on any system you use, Windows, Android, etc.

  • https://www.thewindowsclub.com/stop-microsoft-from-tracking-you-on-windows-computer
  • https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/05/how-disable-ad-id-tracking-ios-and-android-and-why-you-should-do-it-now
  • .... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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How I made almost $40,000 selling my card collection on Ebay

Bottom line, I found out my card collection was worth a LOT which made me nervous. I couldn't afford to insure them properly and I didn't want the risk of them getting stolen, damaged, etc. So I sold them and made enough money to buy my wife the truck she'd always dreamed of!

Obviously, my process might not work for you the same way, but I'm sharing my .... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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Screaming Goats in City of Heroes? Yup!

One of the more useful things you can do in the game is modify the sounds. Make the objective noise louder (and easier to find), quiet the ones that are weirdly too loud, or silence the ones that annoy you endlessly. Or, if you want to have fun, replace the sounds with anything you want! Goats, Cats, Laser beams… whatever!


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City of Heroes – Character bindfile customization guide

I wanted to create this video for a long time, but knew it was going to take a lot of work (and it did). But I’m happy with it in the end! It’s mostly the same for any of the servers, but I play on Rebirth (https://play.cityofheroesrebirth.com/public/) if you want to check it out!


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City of Heroes – Making a generic Vulcan hero with Phaser rifle

I made a video explaining how to make a Star Trek Original Series Vulcan with Phaser rifle in City of Heroes. It’s fun to run around and blast things in character while saying on-theme things like “illogical” and “beam me up” 🙂

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Ohmu-Rice – The best Ghibli/Japanese Food Mashup

Ohmu-Rice! Two great things, mashed together!

I'd been thinking about this pun for a while – mixing the giant Ohmu from Nausicaä with Omu-rice (egg and rice omelets from Japan). I set to work designing it and think it turned out really well!

Check it out on Teepublic.com! The default link goes to the tan color, but I like the soft-green best.

.... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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Windows Group-By Menace SOLVED AT LAST!

If I wanted it sorted by date, I would have DONE so!

Today, I had the misfortune of copying files from another computer on my network only to discover that they, and all folders below them, had been tainted with the Windows "group by" feature for some reason. I tried changing the view recursively, but that only changes between thumbnail or list view and doesn't affect Group .... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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16 Days of Christmas – NSA edition

16 Days of Christmas – NSA edition – The Geek Professor

In preparation for my book, Are You Listening? Lessons in Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement from the Agency .... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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Home network safety tip: keep most devices on the “Guest” network

Home network safety tip: keep most devices on the

Malware from the manufacturer means bad times for everyone

It would be great if the .... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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Are You Really Pumping a Dry Well or Did You Find Your Purpose?

Are You Really Pumping a Dry Well or Did You Find Your Purpose? – The Geek Professor

"I think you're pumping a dry well here..."
(Image .... [Click here to read the rest of this post]

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If you want to learn more about my professional background, click here to learn more.

Check out one of my guides/tutorials:

data defense Tutorial
|INDEX|next: Protecting Social Security Numbers
It's impossible to fully prevent credit card fraud, but there are several things you can do to help.
Social security numbers have become the gateway to all kinds of identity abuses so the less people you give it to, the better.
Your data is as valuable as money so protect it like money!
What do you do once your data is already out there? This.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Protecting Credit Cards

Credit card fraud isn't ID Theft, but is closely relatedare often used fraudulently so do what you can to prevent it.

[Click for full description]

Protecting Social Security Numbers

Social security numbers have become the gateway to all kinds of identity abuses so the less people you give it to, the better.

[Click for full description]

Being a Data Scrooge

Learn to protect your personal information the way Scrooge did his money.

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Reputation Management

Just because there are things out there about you that are out of your control and are unflattering or worse, doesn't mean you're powerless.

[Click for full description]