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2023 Job Hunting Guide – Layoffs, pain, and treading water

2023 Job Hunting Guide – Layoffs, pain, and treading water – The Geek Professor In February 2023, I got stung by government security clearance shenanigans which, despite Herculean efforts on the part of my bosses, left me jobless in the worst employees market in decades. Having now spent about 6 months having learn the ins and outs of job hunting, here's a breakdown to save you some time:

It's not a vacation

Click to see source article

The first and most important thing to understand is that job hunting is a full-time job. You've probably heard that before, but do you really understand?

For context, I'm spending several hours a day, searching, reading, writing, arranging, networking, getting on calls – not really any different than a regular job, but this is 6 days a week and with an ever-present fear of how long this takes versus how much money I have left to pay rent. It's going to be rough, but when you know the storm is coming, you can prepare.

It's a hell of a storm

For jobs in my area of expertise, the most I saw was 1000, but that's still insane! (click pic for source)

Thanks to 2023's massive layoffs, I saw desperation, pleading, fear, despair – people begging for connections, a job, a chance – anything that would get them working again. Before I even started looking, I'd seen people talking about spending months putting in hundreds of applications with little effect.

Some folks might immediately and baselessly assume the job-seeker had done something wrong rather than it being a market condition, the fact is that we were in a storm and it was taking everything we had to tread water.

How is this relevant now that 2023 is winding down (or over, depending when you read this)? Because job hunting is always a numbers game. It's always about treading water.

Be prepared mentally to see a lot of "no's" in terms of automated rejection emails, ghosting, etc. That's true at the best of times, but especially in a employee-hostile market. Bottom line, expect things to suck for a while and don't get discouraged!

Staying optimistic is good, but remember you need to cover the basics, avoid simple mistakes, and otherwise position yourself as well as possible for getting hired. That said, read on...
Preparation: the Resume

The ravenous field of "resume preparation services" made me instantly skeptical. I did a lot of research into services and resumes in general using online guides, videos, Reddit's /r/resume community, and more. Eventually, I felt the services couldn't offer more than I'd already learned which is as follows:


If you work in a particularly niche field or it's an employees market and you can be more creative, then you might have more options, but based on everything I found and especially in the feeding frenzy of 2023, this is the format that most resumes should be using:

Southeastern Louisiana University has several basic templates like this you can download. Click the pic to check it out!

Your goal here is to make it as easy for recruiters, managers, and automated applicant systems to quickly read and understand the data. Creative might be nice, but think about the last time you had repetitive work to do and someone moved your button, your stapler, or something else you use to get the work done efficiently. Annoying, right? So be predictable, not creative – not at this stage anyway.

Formatting aside, here are the other things I learned to focus on:

One page only?

As someone struggling to keep it down to four pages, this one was really hard for me. I eventually got it down to one, but went back to two based on the advice I've seen that says decade-plus-long careers can exceed one page. Otherwise, one should do.

If you're struggling to get your resume down to one or two pages, I know your pain, but you can learn! It's all about compacting content!

Compacting content!

You don't need to describe the job if the title is an industry standard (or fairly descriptive). Instead, focus on bullet point accomplishments. Not regular duties or activities: stand-out accomplishments.

I'm not saying you can't add the major project that was an assigned duty, but you add it because it was a major project. Employers want to see how you had real impact in your role so, as much as possible, write bullets in the What you didHow you did itWhat was the result (with numbered metrics if possible) format. There's a great writeup about it here, but here are some examples (pic is from the linked post):

(click the pic for full size)
One hard thing is when you don't have metrics or the project was unfinished, cancelled, or failed. In those cases, estimate the actual/potential metrics if you can and otherwise focus on what the purpose and end goal were instead.

For readability and due to limited space, try to use as few words as possible to express your point clearly and impactfully. If that's not something you're great at, get some friends to help you. Ask, "how would I word this another way with fewer words?"

Which sections, which order?

Another hotly contested part of resumes was whether to include a Summary section and, to be honest, I don't know the answer. What I decided was that there's enough debate that it truly comes down to personal preference and I chose to have it – mostly because then I could include some key accomplishments that didn't fit in bullets. For example, mine says:

Over 5 years of total Product Management experience leading cross-functional teams to create products serving thousands of customers at cost savings of up to $300,000/yr.
Following that is a bullet list of key skills (in three columns) for the role that I change up depending on what the job description was asking for; just to prove that I have what they're looking for even if the bullets later don't demonstrate it as well (more on that later).

Experience vs Education vs Certs

Experience trumps, always. The only reason you'd put education first is if you didn't have strong experience coming right out of school. If you are a recent graduate, putting your graduation year and GPA might be good information, but in any other case, leave them off. Certifications will have their own section, even if it's just one. That said, if you have all three, go in this order: Experience > Certifications > Education for best results.


Before anything else, draft a mega-resume. By this I mean write out one that has literally every job and every bullet point you can think of that would sell you. You're not going to use it to apply anywhere, you're going to use it to customize other resumes for specific jobs.

As everyone will say, you need to tailor your resume for each job. I say that's kinda true, kinda not.

Maybe it was just the 2023 year where you could expect months and hundreds of applications before you started seeing results, but it all gets kind of hypnotic after a while. Instead, I created different versions of my resume for each major job title I was applying for (Product Manager, Security Awareness Trainer, Compliance Specialist, etc.). I legitimately had the skills for each of these roles, but the resumes read very differently so I pre-customized them.

Granted, there are some jobs I pull out all the stops for and match my resume as closely as I can to the job description, but often one of the title-based resumes with a few changes to the summary and bulleted skills sections seemed sufficient.

A great way to make sure you're hitting the right keywords for the type of job you're applying to is to take the job description from 10 or so similar jobs and put all that text into a Word Cloud generator online. It will highlight the words most often associated with that type of role and then you can be sure to use the same in your resume.
On to the hunt!

There are other job sites out there, but LinkedIn (for the most part) has the cleanest interface and adds social aspects that are of debatable use in many cases, but clear value when building a professional network and job hunting. Besides writing your own posts and content, merely commenting on posts of others is a good way to get attention on your profile from people who agreed with or liked what you said (happened to me this morning in fact). I'm not saying you shouldn't use Indeed or others, but I would start with LinkedIn and work out from there.

Note that comments like 'Nice!' or 'congratulations' are useless fluff that most people will rightly ignore. Comment when you have something meaningful to say! A story to add. That you agree/disagree and why. Something that shows you put thought into it and maybe helps express your credentials or at least your professionalism/personality.


In this process, people will send you connection requests, but don't just add everyone you see. Check out their profile and judge if they're a sensible connection. I use all of the following to get a total picture of whether I should add someone (not that they need all of this, but each is a reason to consider them):

There's a LinkedIn cultural thing called "Social Saturday" where people post and send connections to each other and commenters en-masse. I recommend participating, but still being selective about who you connect with.


Arguably the main reason you would use LinkedIn is to find possible jobs to apply to. Here are my tips:


There's a whole artform to this that would take forever to explain. Instead, check out mine and especially others in your target role/company. Generally speaking, a well-filled profile is better, though don't forget brevity.

Remember, a well-filled profile is more likely to draw recruiters and hiring managers to you, result in better and more meaningful connections, and creates a great place to represent your professional self (and side-hustles if you have them)!

If you'd like a step-by-step guide, I though this video described the process well:

LinkedIn Premium?

LinkedIn Premium has a few features that are useful enough that I'd give it a month at best. There are some learning videos that are helpful, you get extra credits to contact hiring managers and such, and special "job match" categories that free users don't get.

That said, you can already contact people that are 3 degrees separated from you so as you build your network (explained next), those "inmail" credits become less and less useful (I don't think I ever came close to using them up). I did get a few decent tips from learning videos. But generally speaking, it doesn't seem to be a good value.

The "advanced searches" like "Jobs you'd be a top applicant for!" and such rarely show more than the basic search and are often even LESS useful because you can't limit them by location or pay or other filters for some reason. So you end up having to go through a ton of meaningless jobs to see if there's something useful there.

Applying and getting an interview


It's always been said that networking is the most important part of getting a job and that's not changed. Especially when you're in a deep employer's market, finding a way to stick out is key and the resume/cover letter isn't going to do it. To connect with people, I did all of the following:


The process can vary widely, though most companies are using one of the key applicant services like MyWorkdayJobs or OracleCloud or This helps standardize your process a bit, though here are some helpful tips:

Two key tips for when you are asked for your salary requirements. First, say that you are applying for jobs in the X range. This subtly shows your worth in suggesting that others are considering you in that range as well. Second, add "depending on benefits and total compensation. I could accept a lower range with a signing bonus while I prove my promotion potential.". Sometimes they can't pay your range, but they DO have the bonus option and will appreciate you handing them something to work with. Remember, you're trying to make it as easy as possible for them to choose you!
Reach out to hiring manager Send messagees to recruiters and staffing folks Hunted down costco example contact through linked in if listed.

Interview Prep

I confess, I thought "I'm pretty good at interviews" and "I'll just answer honestly and it will be fine…" a little too much early on. I snapped out of it when I found a job I REALLY wanted with one of the toughest and most demanding employers around: Costco (yes, Costco). I realized that "winging it" was a poor plan and re-evaluated, reconsidered, and wrote an entire LinkedIn article about it (click here to read it). Feel free to read it too, but the summary is:

Pro tip: Find the practice interviews on Youtube where they ask questions and then wait for your answer. Actually respond out loud even in an empty room like a crazy person. Practice breaking the silence and it helps defeat the nerves of saying the same later during the interview

The Interview

From more than a decade teaching briefing skills, let me give you a secret trick. Speaking events are like parachuting. You should practice and preapare the most for the first 20 seconds and the last 20. Everything else, you can drift and change direction and it doesn't matter much, but you definitely need to know how jump and how to land.

For an interview, this means you should know what to say when they say "Tell me about yourself". I don't know if I've ever had an interview that didn't start that way, so be ready for it. Write down an elevator pitch that not only describes your work history (in brief), but what you're passionate about, and what goals you have (that this particular job/company can help meet).

I understand that it can be hard to talk about why you want to work at X place when you just need money, but remember that everything is a learning experience and that has value. If nothing else, say: I see that the job involves such-and-such duty/tool/whatever, and working with it will help position me better for the future.

The last part of any interview is this: "what are your questions for us?" So… what are your questions? You know they're going to ask; just like you know the ground is coming when you're parachuting. So practice!

Write down a few good general questions at the least, but definitely try to have a few specific ones. Something like:

Bonus Tips!

Interview cheat sheet

Since I wrote that article, I have a key tip to add. Since you're likely to be asked "tell me a time when" type questions, create a condensed bullet list of sample "time when" and a few keywords to remind you of a story from your history that would fit. As an example:

(click the pic for full size)

This is what mine looks like – separated into stories that talk about me as a person versus ones that empahsize my work ethic and history (which is generally how these questions will be split. Each lists the prompt and then a few words to remind me which story I can tell that would express (in STAR format), what the (S)ituation was, what I was trying to do ((T)ask), what I did ((A)ction), and what the (R)esult was. Remember, a RESULT can be either be a clear accomplishment OR that you learned an important lesson (which is, after all, an accomplishment as well).

This is NOT about made up or exaggerated stories. This tip is about keeping relevant stories fresh in your mind and easy at hand if you need them since it's easy to become flustered and forget all your examples when on the spot.

General tips

Good luck and happy job hunting!

2023 Sept 29 edit

I posted this article before I actually succeeded in getting a job because I felt it would be helpful regardless. However, I do want to share that I had a series of interviews lined up as of the time I wrote this and have heard back from 4 different organizations about possible jobs. One was a clear standout from the others and I've accepted an offer!

What I've written might not conclusively lead to a job, but I believe (and have experienced) that it will position you well to find one!

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Too Late!

If you've already become a victim, here is a list of things you should do.

Solving ID Theft

Lock your credit reports with a Credit Freeze to prevent credit-based ID theft (90% of ID theft risk).
Learn to protect your information to prevent not only ID theft, but many other kinds of problems (the rest of ID theft risk).

Save Time and Money

cancel credit-monitoring services.
Cancel id-theft-insurance

Who is Responsible?

Sometimes you just have to wonder why it's so easy to steal identities in the first place.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

The Identity Theft Victim's Mini-Guide to Recovery

If you've already experienced ID theft, here are some tips of what to do next.

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Credit Freeze

Setting a credit report freeze is the fastest and most effective way to actually block and reduce your risk of ID Theft. And it's free.

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Out and About Defense

The best defense against non-credit ID Theft and a variety of other risks is to adopt a mindset of protection: Data Defense. Learn how to protect your information with simple and sometimes free countermeasures all based on a simple philosophy that the less people who have your information, the safer you are.

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