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Employees are allies, not the adversary
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Here's something that

I, Jeremy Duffy, actually recommend and think is worth checking out.
No web-bugs, no bs, just a legit recommmendation that I have personally evaluated before allowing it to be listed here:

Think something's here that shouldn't be? contact me!

Reputation Management

One of the best ways to control people's ability to find what you don't want is to put out stuff that you DO want them to see that's easier to find.

Register a domain

Try registering a domain name with your own information. Of course, just having the domain isn't enough. You'll want to create content of sorts even if it's nothing to consequential. It could be a statement of your best qualities or your favorite recipe for apple tarts. Whatever it is, the the more content and the more popular the content (more people linking to it), the more your site will come up before others.

For example, if you search for Jeremy Duffy my webpage comes up first thing even though there are several other Jeremy Duffy's on the web

Positive Online Activity

Another way of creating content for people to find is by participating in forums, leaving comments on people's pages, or creating profiles on sites like LinkedIn using your real name or a username that's easily connected to you. In all these cases, you fill in no more information than is necessary and only post things you absolutely don't care if anyone knows. Even better, post things you DO want people to know. If you're a graphic designer, participate in forums helping other people learn the trade or compare notes with other experts. If you volunteer, post about that. In all cases, keep to professional things that you'd actually WANT someone to see.

Don't mess up again

As you create content online, remember that everything you say and do will be available to anyone who looks for it. I use the "president rule". If I were to ever run for president, I know that dedicated lackeys of the opposition will spend all their waking hours scouring the net for anything they can use against me. If after considering that I'm still ok with posting it, then all's well. Otherwise, I don't post.

There are many times I'm in the middle of an angry response, think about the president rule and change my mind. It's a good habit to form.

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Check out one of my guides/tutorials:

goodbye identity theft Tutorial
|INDEX|next: Credit Freeze

Too Late!

If you've already become a victim, here is a list of things you should do.

Solving ID Theft

Lock your credit reports with a Credit Freeze to prevent credit-based ID theft (90% of ID theft risk).
Learn to protect your information to prevent not only ID theft, but many other kinds of problems (the rest of ID theft risk).

Save Time and Money

cancel credit-monitoring services.
Cancel id-theft-insurance

Who is Responsible?

Sometimes you just have to wonder why it's so easy to steal identities in the first place.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

The Identity Theft Victim's Mini-Guide to Recovery

If you've already experienced ID theft, here are some tips of what to do next.

[Click for full description]

Credit Freeze

Setting a credit report freeze is the fastest and most effective way to actually block and reduce your risk of ID Theft. And it's free.

[Click for full description]

Out and About Defense

The best defense against non-credit ID Theft and a variety of other risks is to adopt a mindset of protection: Data Defense. Learn how to protect your information with simple and sometimes free countermeasures all based on a simple philosophy that the less people who have your information, the safer you are.

[Click for full description]