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I, Jeremy Duffy, actually recommend and think is worth checking out.
No web-bugs, no bs, just a legit recommmendation that I have personally evaluated before allowing it to be listed here:

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Validating Webstores and Services

Do they promise angels, but deliver devils?

Remember that there are a lot of bad guys out there and the web makes them able to look and sound just as safe and reputable as anyone else. Even if the site you're dealing with is totally honest, that doesn't mean that they can keep your data safe from hackers or bad employees.

Following privacy principles is your best bet for handling their weak security (they can't lose what they don't have after all), but when it comes to identifying the companies with bad service and lousy deals, following is the method I use:

Search Engines

The quickest way possible to get information about any retailer is to do a web search using your search engine of choice. Rather than just search for the name, try these combinations:

See if any interesting results come up. Read what they say and see if there's a recurring trend. In the case of Lifelock, you can find everything you need to know at the first link 🙂

A Google search for LIFELOCK SUCKS brings up a very informative page in the very first link.

Ratings Websites

The Better Business Bureau

They can't tell you everything you need to know about a business because they only track complaints that have been filed with them (which is probably how Lifelock manged to get an A+ rating). Where the BBB really helps is when you find negative reviews and complaints.

In other words, a positive BBB review might not really mean anything, but a negative one definitely does.

Web of Trust

Again, Lifelock skates by so you clearly can't trust the positive reviews absolutely, but Web of Trust is still another useful site with user-driven reviews and ratings for a site and company's trustworthiness.

Similar to the others, this is a website that has ratings for various sellers online. Use it as another resource to find the bad stuff about the company you're planning to deal with.

Answer Sites

Answer websites like, Yahoo Answers, or Just can be a great resource. You post a question and see what people have to say about it. Something like "Can I trust this site" is a good start.


After checking around, you should be able to find out if the site or service you're planning to deal with is something you should avoid. At the very least, you'll be able to avoid the most obvious scams.

shopping online Tutorial
|INDEX|next: Research Products
If you like to keep your money and safe yourself the trouble and hassle of getting nailed by a bad or fraudulent retailer online, you need to learn to identify them before it's too late.
Before you buy anything, utilize the vast power of the Internet to research products and pick the best one possible.
You're about to pay for something, but what's the safest way to do it?

Related Guide

Once you've gone through the trouble to make an online account with a company, make sure you protect your passwords properly

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data defense Tutorial
|INDEX|next: Protecting Social Security Numbers
It's impossible to fully prevent credit card fraud, but there are several things you can do to help.
Social security numbers have become the gateway to all kinds of identity abuses so the less people you give it to, the better.
Your data is as valuable as money so protect it like money!
What do you do once your data is already out there? This.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Validating Webstores and Services

It can be hard to know who to trust and who to not trust online, but there are things you can do to verify who the good guys and bad guys are before it's too late.

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Research Products

One of the best things about shopping online is the ability to research information online.

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Paying Online

Ever been nervous about paying online for something. Just take a second to learn about the various options and put your mind at ease.

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Protecting Credit Cards

Credit card fraud isn't ID Theft, but is closely relatedare often used fraudulently so do what you can to prevent it.

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Protecting Social Security Numbers

Social security numbers have become the gateway to all kinds of identity abuses so the less people you give it to, the better.

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Being a Data Scrooge

Learn to protect your personal information the way Scrooge did his money.

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Reputation Management

Just because there are things out there about you that are out of your control and are unflattering or worse, doesn't mean you're powerless.

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