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Account Creation Tips

A typical signup form

Many websites and most online services/stores require that you create an account with them. But just because they ask for information doesn't mean they should have it. Data Mining is a huge problem so giving it away without a fight is a bad idea.

Don't Sign Up at ALL!

Depending on why you want access, you many not need to create an account at all. Try to see if you can find a password to use on the password sharing website, Volunteers post name and password combinations so people can log in without the hassle.

Be stingy. Very stingy

Fill in the absolute bare minimum necessary for service. In most cases, online forms ask for far more data than is necessary. For some sites like Facebook, there's a multi-page signup process where quite a few of those pages can be skipped entirely!

Always look for a button that skips forms. If there isn't one, try hitting the "submit" button without entering anything at all. Doing so will cause an error where the required fields will be highlighted somehow. Anything not highlighted can be ignored.

Once you've determined exactly which fields are required, make the decision whether it is necessary to provide real information.

Use a Persona

As I explain in this guide, you should create and use a persona to protect your real information. When creating an account that you can't find a ready password for, determine if any of your real information is necessary.

When possible, just fake it all! Even my own Facebook account doesn't have real information in it because it's not necessary. If I want old high-school acquaintances to find me, it won't be through Facebook so why even use my real name?

Watch the Terms and Options

In situations where you'll use an account for money, business, or anything connected to your real identity for any reason, it's a good idea to actually read the terms of service.

Of course, companies do everything they can to make it hard for you (the scum-sucking low life slimeballs). Hard to read a 14 page legal document in a tiny window that's two lines tall isn't it? Better to just skip it and agree without thinking…

Or you can just select all the text in there and copy it to a word processor program where you can read it at leisure. Don't skip this step! If it's important enough to use your real data, it's important enough to know what you're getting into.

Similarly, READ the options you're getting into when signing up. If you don't, you may agree to some free trial or other unwanted condition.


Remember to treat every online account as an abusive interrogator. They want your information to suite their own needs, and almost never as a benefit to you. Give them as little as possible!

internet safety Tutorial
prev: Tricks and Scams|INDEX|next: Account Hijacking

General Safety

Avoid fake and nasty websites with my search engine trick.
Watch out for online addiction. Getting lost in fun online activities can be just as addiction as any drug.
So you want to write, publish, or share information online? Be careful. Things you say may be lost or forgotten, but things put on the Internet never are.
Don't fall for the well-known (or the new scams either) bad guys use to trick you into give away data or money.

Account Protection

Want to make an account with some online service? Read this first!
The newest, biggest risk online? Account hijacking! Don't become a victim by allowing your account to be taken over and learn to recognize when someone else has been.
Be sure transmission security is active before entering a name, password, credit card number, or other important information online.

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goodbye identity theft Tutorial
|INDEX|next: Credit Freeze

Too Late!

If you've already become a victim, here is a list of things you should do.

Solving ID Theft

Lock your credit reports with a Credit Freeze to prevent credit-based ID theft (90% of ID theft risk).
Learn to protect your information to prevent not only ID theft, but many other kinds of problems (the rest of ID theft risk).

Save Time and Money

cancel credit-monitoring services.
Cancel id-theft-insurance

Who is Responsible?

Sometimes you just have to wonder why it's so easy to steal identities in the first place.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

How to Avoid Bogus Websites

There are bogus websites out there hoping you'll hit them by accident or using phishing to trick you into coming to them. Learn my simple trick to avoid these sites!

[Click for full description]

Online Addiction

Concerned about online addiction? You should be. Learn the types, the signs, and the preventions.

[Click for full description]

The Consequences of Posting Online

It's fun to post online. What you think, what you feel. But words typed and posted on the Internet can come back to bite you more than anything you could say with your mouth.

[Click for full description]

Tricks and Scams

Just because you won't willing give up data doesn't mean that I can't trick you out of it. Don't fall for these well known tricks!

[Click for full description]

Account Creation Tips

When you create an account with an online site, you should know a few things first.

[Click for full description]

Account Hijacking

One of the newest threats we face is the risk of someone getting control of your online account and using it against you and the people you know. Do everything you can to prevent that from happening!

[Click for full description]

Using HTTPS For Secure Login and Payment Online

Making online accounts is useful and fun, but doesn't mean much if someone can capture your login information and use it against you. Make sure to use this simple trick to prevent that from happening.

[Click for full description]

The Identity Theft Victim's Mini-Guide to Recovery

If you've already experienced ID theft, here are some tips of what to do next.

[Click for full description]

Credit Freeze

Setting a credit report freeze is the fastest and most effective way to actually block and reduce your risk of ID Theft. And it's free.

[Click for full description]

Out and About Defense

The best defense against non-credit ID Theft and a variety of other risks is to adopt a mindset of protection: Data Defense. Learn how to protect your information with simple and sometimes free countermeasures all based on a simple philosophy that the less people who have your information, the safer you are.

[Click for full description]