One of the more useful things you can do in the game is modify the sounds. Make the objective noise louder (and easier to find), quiet the ones that are weirdly too loud, or silence the ones that annoy you endlessly. Or, if you want to have fun, replace the sounds with anything you want! Goats, Cats, Laser beams… whatever!
I wanted to create this video for a long time, but knew it was going to take a lot of work (and it did). But I’m happy with it in the end! It’s mostly the same for any of the servers, but I play on Rebirth ( if you want to check it out!
I made a video explaining how to make a Star Trek Original Series Vulcan with Phaser rifle in City of Heroes. It’s fun to run around and blast things in character while saying on-theme things like “illogical” and “beam me up” 🙂
Tags: city of heroes, Gaming
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Online Addiction: From gambling to surfing and online gaming, people can destroy themselves and others with online addiction.
Posting Online: The Internet never forgets anything completely. Make sure you don't make mistakes that will stick with you for the rest of your life.
Protecting Photos: The Internet never forgets anything completely. Make sure you don't make mistakes that will stick with you for the rest of your life.
Getting Tricked: You WERE doing fine... until someone convinced you to install a virus or give away your passwords. Don't fall for it!
Account Hijacking: One of the most common security risks today is people getting their accounts taken over and then used to trick their friends and family.
Trusting Webservices: An online service promises they'll 'Never abuse or misuse your data' and you believe them? Think again.
It's fun to post online. What you think, what you feel. But words typed and posted on the Internet can come back to bite you more than anything you could say with your mouth.
One of the newest threats we face is the risk of someone getting control of your online account and using it against you and the people you know. Do everything you can to prevent that from happening!
Store, online or off, are not known for being fair and helpful unless it benefits them to be so. Good deals exist, but many are bad deals in disguise. It's not in your best interests to be too trusting with any of them.