Ohmu Rice

I'd been thinking about this pun for a while – mixing the giant Ohmu from Nausicaä with Omu-rice (egg and rice omelets from Japan). I set to work designing it and think it turned out really well!
Check it out on Teepublic.com! The default link goes to the tan color, but I like the soft-green best.
Tags: Anime, Art, food, ghibli, japanese, japanese food, ohmu, omurice, RPS, teepublic, tshirtIf you want to learn more about my professional background, click here to learn more.
Check out one of my guides/tutorials:
Until we find out who the people are who actually buy things from spammers and kick them off the Internet, you're going to have to learn how to deal with and prevent spam. |
E-mail Viruses - Learn how viruses are spread through e-mail and how to stop them |
Phishing - Spot and avoid lures that pull you into the dark side of the web |
Don't be one of those people that loses thousands of dollars to the classic Nigerian Scam. |
Use CC only when necessary and BCC the rest of the time. |
Use Reply-All when you mean to and never when you don't. |
Practice proper E-mail Forwarding to protect privacy and make e-mails more readable. |
Always personalize your e-mails to make it obvious to your recipient that it's valid. |
Using E-Mail Aliases Properly - Be careful about using sensitive data (like your real name) in an e-mail account. |
Remember to treat your e-mail account with the security it deserves. |
Use a decoy e-mail account to keep your main e-mail account free of spam. |
Avoid using any Internet provider's default e-mail. |
... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!
Copyright © 2012 by Jeremy Duffy All rights reserved. | About Me and This Site | Blog | Contact | Policies | My LinkedIn | My Youtube Channel |
Spam is annoying and worthless, but you still see it every single day. Here are some tips for preventing and reducing spam.
[Click for full description]Make sure that viruses don't sneak onto your computer through your e-mails. Read some simple tips to prevent that from happening.
[Click for full description]By far the most dangerous thing you'll find in e-mails is a lie. Sending a bogus e-mail to someone is generally called phishing, but can also be referred to as a Nigerian scam (depending on the goal of the e-mail). Learn to recognize and deal with phishing before it's too late.
[Click for full description]Many people have lost thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars to the classic Nigerian Scam. Don't fall for it!
[Click for full description]Don't violate people's privacy and invite spam into their accounts by CC'ing all your contacts. Learn the proper way to send mass e-mails first.
[Click for full description]It's easy to embarass yourself or harm your career when you don't know how to use Reply-All appropriately.
[Click for full description]Don't forward e-mails carelessly or you risk looking foolish as best and violating the privacy of all your contacts at worst.
[Click for full description]Follow this simple rule of e-mail etiquette to help prevent your friends and family from falling for phishing scams.
[Click for full description]It can be hard to find a good name to use in an e-mail account that hasn't been used and doesn't give away too much information about you.
[Click for full description]Your e-mail account is the most important online account you have. Remember to treat it as such!.
[Click for full description]Why it's very important to use a buffer e-mail account to shield your main account from people and companies that you don't trust.
[Click for full description]Don't fall for the trap of using the free e-mail account provided to you by your Internet service!
[Click for full description]