Removing bad LinkedIn jobs live with a browser plugin (and Indeed too!)

A good tool, but it could be great!

In 2023, extreme layoffs sent people scrambling for new jobs. As a tough market with far too many seekers and not nearly enough positions, it became a daily grind to load up job options and apply. Best case, the online tools are helping you rapidly find good options – particularly when you're paying for the "Premium" feature.

Spoiler alert: they don't.

So much for "Premium". Almost every job in this view is out of state.

The hidden secret of job hunters!

Except that it's not a secret… not by a long shot. Job searches start with location!

Why does this even have to be said? The first and most important factor of job hunting is finding something in range – whether that's local commute, fully remote, or some hybrid version of the two. It doesn't matter how amazing a job is if it's five states over.

The second secret!

Still not a secret; but we can't take jobs that don't even pay the rent! Or maybe we will, but it should be our choice to see those listings or not. Why can't I set a minimum pay value and not have to see jobs paying minimum wage when we make 10 times that normally?

And so on!

Ok, enough with the secret nonsense. Bottom line, these are the basics of the basics and I'm stunned that LinkedIn doesn't have them. I spent hours browsing job listings full of complete red herrings – things that weren't worth my time to read any more than it was LinkedIn's to collect the pixels to transmit them to me. I made several attempts to contact people at LinkedIn to ask if they were working on improving the listings, but why wait when we can hack(ish)!?

LinkedIn Fixer (and Indeed too!)

Lest I seem overconfident about things I didn't know about, I put myself to the test and built a TamperMonkey script to:

  • Strip out jobs that aren't in my area (or remote)
  • Dump anything that paid below my minimum salary (either yearly or hourly)
  • Drop certain companies by name that I definitely didn't want to work for or seemed scummy
  • Eject job titles containing keywords that were absolutely wrong for me (like Physician, Lawyer, Attorney, etc.)
The jobs are still listed if you want to click them, but they're FAR easier to ignore now.

Sound interesting?

Check out my code on GitHub Don't know how to use TamperMonkey? No worries! It's just a browser plugin and a few clicks and you're golden! Here's a video that describes the process. It's basically just a matter of installing the plugin, copying my code from the github page, and pasting it into a new script in the browser plugin. That's it!

EDIT: I forgot the last step – at the very top of the code are a few obvious variables where you can set your target salary, companies you don't want to see, the state you live in, etc. You'll need to manually edit those, but just follow the pattern that's there and you should be good! Leave any questions in the comments.

If pictures help, here's a pretty sloppy, but accurate list of the steps
Basically install TamperMonkey, paste my code, and save.
Removing bad LinkedIn jobs live with a browser plugin (and Indeed too!) – The Geek Professor Tags: , , , , ,


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