Sunday, March 6th, 2011 (
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HTTPS is extremely important to prevent bad stuff from happening to your online accounts (like account hijacking). The problem is that many pages don't use HTTPS security by default instead forcing you to find a way to turn it on or give up and broadcast your name and password (or other sensitive information) to the world.
This simple plugin by the technologically-capable consumer privacy rights group, The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) uses a neat little browser trick to turn on HTTPS security anywhere it's available. You won't have go guess anymore; just look in the address bar to see if the "S" is there or not.
Note that for sites that don't show up with the https, that means they don't have the extra security available. That may or may not matter for normal surfing, but if you're told to log in without HTTPS, back away slowly…
[Get it here]
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