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Employees are allies, not the adversary


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Here's something that

I, Jeremy Duffy, actually recommend and think is worth checking out.
No web-bugs, no bs, just a legit recommmendation that I have personally evaluated before allowing it to be listed here:

Think something's here that shouldn't be? contact me!

HTTPS Everywhere

Don't guess if your session is secure.

HTTPS is extremely important to prevent bad stuff from happening to your online accounts (like account hijacking). The problem is that many pages don't use HTTPS security by default instead forcing you to find a way to turn it on or give up and broadcast your name and password (or other sensitive information) to the world.

This simple plugin by the technologically-capable consumer privacy rights group, The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) uses a neat little browser trick to turn on HTTPS security anywhere it's available. You won't have go guess anymore; just look in the address bar to see if the "S" is there or not.

Note that for sites that don't show up with the https, that means they don't have the extra security available. That may or may not matter for normal surfing, but if you're told to log in without HTTPS, back away slowly…

[Get it here]

firefox Tutorial
prev: Noscript|INDEX|next: Nuke Anything

Firefox Plugins

Improve your security and reduce the annoyance factor of the Internet at the same time by blocking Internet ads.
Block marketers from tracking your online activities with the Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-out plugin.
Undo the great risk of following 'shortened links' from social network sites with the Long URL Please Plugin.
Disable all Internet scripts for nearly rock-solid security online
Enable HTTPS everywhere that it's possible to do so with this simple plugin.
Remove annoying tables, graphics, or anything else to make reading easier and printing cleaner.
The Onion Router (TOR) helps you browse the web without giving away your identity to the websites you visit.

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passwords Tutorial
|INDEX|next: Password Tips and Tricks

Making Good Passwords

To understand what makes a good password, let's talk about what makes a bad one first.
Making good passwords can be complex, but here are some tips and tricks that will make it easier.

Password Protection

Once you've taken the trouble to make a good password, the next step is to keep it safe!
Now that you've done all this work, you have to learn the most important rule of all: DON'T GIVE THEM AWAY!

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Using HTTPS For Secure Login and Payment Online

Making online accounts is useful and fun, but doesn't mean much if someone can capture your login information and use it against you. Make sure to use this simple trick to prevent that from happening.

[Click for full description]

Adblock Plus - Firefox Ad Blocker

With a simple Firefox plugin, you can block all those annoying ads you see all over the Internet.

[Click for full description]

BEEF TACO (Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out)

TACO will automatically set and protect the cookies that opt you out of online tracking by marketers.

[Click for full description]

Long URL Please - Firefox Plugin for Link Safety

Undo the danger of "URL shortening services" by adding this cool plugin to Firefox. Optionally learn the tricks to preview URLs before visiting if you don't use Firefox.

[Click for full description]


Use Noscript to block scripts on every site except the ones you actually trust.

[Click for full description]

HTTPS Everywhere

Web companies sacrifice your security for their wallets by leaving HTTPS protection off. Use this plugin to turn it back on by default (where available).

[Click for full description]

Nuke Anything - Stop Wasting Ink By Printing Stuff You Don't Want

With a simple Firefox plugin, you can remove any object from a webpage that you can see. This can make the pages easier to read, but also save money when printing.

[Click for full description]

The Onion Router (TOR)

Using the TOR network, you can prevent websites from knowing who you are.

[Click for full description]

Bad Passwords

To understand what makes good passwords, first check out some of the worst passwords out there and what makes them so bad.

[Click for full description]

Password Tips and Tricks

It's impossible to expect someone to make good passwords by just giving them some rules. There are tricks that make your passwords secure and easy for you all at the same time.

[Click for full description]

Password Protection

It's really a skill to come up with secure passwords that you can remember. Once you've learned how, remember that it doesn't matter how good you are if you don't protect your password properly.

[Click for full description]

Password Mugging

A disturbing new practice among websites and services is where they ask you for your user name and password to other sites. I call this "Password Mugging"

[Click for full description]