Sunday, March 6th, 2011 (
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If you were aware of the many companies that track you around the web and use the profiles they build on you to send you targeted advertising, you probably didn't know that you can opt out of this tracking one at a time with many of those companies.
How convenient.
While I suppose it's very nice that these companies will stop taking your private browsing habits from you without your knowledge or permission if you go through their hoops to stop it, there's a much easier way. A privacy-minded geek helpfully compiled a list of all the opt-out cookies that the ad networks look for to flag you as someone who shouldn't be tracked.
Further, he modified a free Google app that restores certain cookies after wiping your cookie files to preserve the opt-out cookies. So install BEEF TACO and you will better avoid being tagged and tracked like an animal online.
You can install BEEF TACO here.
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