Digital Rights Management (DRM)

DRM is any type of copy protection included with music, movies, or software which is promoted as "protecting the copyright holder's intellectual property" while in reality does little other than annoy ordinary consumers. Here is some data about this controversial and unpopular technology.

What exactly IS DRM and why is it such a bad thing?
We should all get to profit from and control our creations, but there are many reasons why we support the hackers and not the copyright holderss
The great lie told about movie downloads and why it's wrong.
The great lie told about music downloads and why it's wrong.
The great lie told about software downloads and why it's wrong.


If you want to learn more about my professional background, click here to learn more.

Check out one of my guides/tutorials:

Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW
Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering - CASPIAN
The Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFF
The American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU
Public Citizen
The Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

About DRM

What is DRM and why is it such a bad thing?

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Why We Don't Support Copyright Holders

There are many reasons why we don't support the people who own copyrighted works even if we support copyright.

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The Great Copyright Holder Lie - Movies

The great lie told about movie downloads and why it's wrong.

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The Great Copyright Holder Lie - Music

Learn how music companies lie to make you believe it's wrong to download or copy music when, in many cases, it really just isn't.

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The Great Copyright Holder Lie - Software

Software vendors are making it harder and harder to play your own games! And for what? Nothing it seems.

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Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW

Citizens Against Government Waste - CAGW

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Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering - CASPIAN

Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering - CASPIAN

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The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (a.k.a. the EFF) - a nonprofit group of passionate people — lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect your digital rights.

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The American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU

The American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU

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Public Citizen

Public Citizen - A group of non-profit lawyers specializing in freedom of speech and other basic American rights.

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The Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC

The Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC

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