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I, Jeremy Duffy, actually recommend and think is worth checking out.
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Federal Trade Commission Seeks Public Comment on ID Theft

(Image is in the Public Domain)

From the FTC website:

Notice for public comment: The Federal Identity Theft Task Force, chaired by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and co-chaired by Federal Trade Commission Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras, is seeking public comment on ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of federal government efforts to reduce identity theft.

What could I tell them about? Hmm… Let's see… Oh! How about how easy it would be to reduce ID Theft with a good Credit Security Freeze law? How about how we desperately need strong, swift protection against data mining and sharing companies?

It's fairly simple really. First we need better control of our data and second, we need to limit what can be done with the data once it's been breached.

The e-mail address to write to is hidden in a document, so here it is "Taskforcecomments AT idtheft.gov" (@ replaced to prevent bot Spam). Be sure the subject is "Identity Theft Task Force" and that you include contact information. They prefer that the substance of your comments be in WordPerfect, MS Word or PDF format as an attachment.

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Operating System Updates

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