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I, Jeremy Duffy, actually recommend and think is worth checking out.
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Jeremy Duffy’s Spam Experiment

With direction from: Dr. Terence Soule


"So who can trust all those ruthless spying stealing slimeball Internet companies anyway?" Because of hype, media, and frustration about so many problems that I saw as easy to fix that weren't getting fixed, this is the question that weighed on my mind for many years.

Who is leaking data and how fast? Who can be trusted and who can't?
In the fall of 2004, with the help of Dr. Soule, I focused the question into the premise of an experiment. I would register with several web services and see how fast and how far the e-mail address spread.

The Setup

Step 1. 100 e-mail accounts

We asked our school system administrator for help in creating 100 new unique e-mail addresses. I wanted to use a different e-mail address for every site and each sign up on that site.

Step 2. Configure Microsoft Outlook

The only methods of accessing the e-mail accounts was to use a web tool (ick!) or a mail reader. Outlook may not have been the best choice, but it did the job. After setting up all 100 accounts (manually, one at a time), I was able to check the progress of each quite simply.

In a later part of the experiment, I used Outlook to export the results to an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for faster and more efficient analysis. Note that for some reason, Outlook exported all fields that I needed EXCEPT for the "Recieved Date". Come on Microsoft! How dumb is it to export all fields from an e-mail box except for the date! Ok, calming down now… breathe…. breathe…

Step 3. Selecting the Companies

The rules:

Note that we did not use services we knew would generate Spam such as pornography, gambling, and warez sites. The point of the experiment was to test sites that people generally trust.

Here is the final list of companies (after botched sign ups were removed):

Comedy Central
PC Magazine
PC World Magazine
University of Phoenix
Circuit City
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Medical Hair Restoration
Best Buy
PC Mall

Some of the lesser-known companies were added as a result of my personal use of Internet. Any company I came into contact with during the sign-up phase, I added.

Step 4. Signing Up

We set a time limit of about 3 weeks for the sign-up period figuring we'd account for the time diffferential later. The sign ups were done under the following three profiles:

To manage these three profiles, I first did a Normal account. If the service presented any privacy or data-sharing options, I returned and did a Savvy sign up with a different e-mail address. If, after signing up and logging in, I was able to find any options that weren't present during sign-up, I would create a Maxx account.

During the sign-up period, some additional profile types were clearly needed. Each of these I consider "casual contact" meaning that I provide my e-mail address for a service, but expect it to be one-time use.

Will they actually leave us alone if we check all those boxes to opt-out?

The purpose of opening up to three accounts per service was to measure to what degree companies honored our choices. We theorized that at least some of these companies would share the data or send us e-mail despite our requests to be left alone.

Step 5. Sit Back and Wait

Design, set up, and sign-up periods were completed October 1st, 2004. Now that everything was in place, all we had to do was watch the Spam roll in… or so we thought.

Spammed to Oblivion!

Well, not really. The original plan was to not open or click on any links in the e-mails for two reasons:

The problem with this approach is that after three months, we weren't getting results. Oh sure, the Normal accounts were getting all kinds of e-mails, but they were all newsletters and such that we had agreed to take during the sign-up process. To fix the problem, we introduced three phases to the project.

Phase 1
This would be the first three months (October to December) that we had already measured and the rest of January (which we were in the middle of by the time we implemented the phases). This would be the period where we didn't preview or open any e-mails.
Phase 2
Now we would not only open all e-mails (sent Jan 31st or later), but click on links to try to incite as much attention to ourselves as possible.
Phase 3
Continue to open and click on links in e-mails, but now try to unsubscribe from all e-mail lists either by changing our settings on the company website or clicking the "unsubscribe" links in e-mails (if any). The purpose of this phase was to continue trying to entice Spam, but also to see if companies respected unsubscribe attempts.

While we would have liked to run the experiment for longer, March was our cut-off so we could analyze and present the data during April (graduation was in May).


In all, I created 75 total accounts distributed among 51 different services. That included 53 Normal accounts, 11 Savvy accounts, 2 Maxx accounts, 2 Order accounts, 1 Referral accounts, and 6 that I couldn't include due to sign up problems.

Email by Type

Spam Experiment: Total number of e-mails received by type
This chart shows the total number of e-mails sent to all accounts during the 5 month period of the experiment broken down by type. First party e-mails and system messages are messages sent to Normal accounts due to failing to opt out of mailing lists.

Second party e-mails are advertisements for third party services, but they are sent by the original site we signed up with which prevents the third party site from getting our personal information. This too consists of messages sent to Normal accounts as a result of failing to opt out during sign up.

Third party e-mails are the ones we are most interested in. These are Unsolicited Commercial E-mails (UCE) that either came to a Normal account, but had nothing to do with any lists or options presented during sign up, or were sent to any non-Normal account. Of these, we received only five total messages!

The apparent answer to the question of how fast and how far our information spreads is apparently not that fast, and not that far.

Conclusion 1: Most major web services and companies will respect your request to not receive e-mails or have your information sold.

While in truth, I don't know if any of my test information got sold or not, if it did, I didn't receive any Spam as a result.

Email by Company

Spam Experiment: Total number of e-mails received by type and by company where the total was more than 5 e-mails

60% of the Normal accounts received less than 5 e-mails each even including the Normal accounts. Of the remaining 40%, only 3 accounts had more than 1.5 e-mails per week.

Conclusion 2: Very few companies send you more than 1 or 2 messages a week even if you do a click-through sign up.

Physical junk mail

Besides number and type of e-mails, we tracked physical junk mail by using a different first name and two to three letter code in the address for each sign up. Therefore, if any mail came to my address with one of the fake names or with the address code, we would know immediately who was responsible.

However, during the entire experiment I only received two pieces of physical mail and neither was unexpected. One was a brochure from the Medical Hair Restoration group and the other was for the University of Phoenix (both of which I was told during the sign-up process that I'd receive).

Conclusion 3: Most online services don't bother sending physical mail if they've already got your e-mail address.


There are two ways to unsubscribe from e-mail lists. The first, which has nearly become an industry standard, is to have a section at the bottom of an e-mail that provides a link for canceling further mail.

Unsubscribe section of a Ubid newsletter
Unsubscribe section of a Wal-Mart newsletter

Typically clicking one of these links immediately removes you from their lists with no hassles. However, some make it harder than others.

The second method is to force the user to log into their account, find all the options that generate mail, and turn them off. This can be far more time consuming and challenging. For example, it took me almost a full month to unsubscribe from one of the Lycos services due to shutting off options, getting more mail, and logging back into my account to track down another option I missed the first time.

Despite various difficulties, every company in this experiment ceased all e-mail activity after I (sucessfully) unsubscribed.

Conclusion 4: Despite rumors to the contrary, the unsubscribe links DO work.

The conclusion only counts e-mails from a legitimate companies (see "The Conclusion" section below)

Secondary Results – Dishonesty and Deception

Though it wasn't technically part of the experiment, I also tracked the advertising and privacy practices of each company. That means that I read the privacy policy and terms of service of every company I signed up with.

I also counted the number and type of ads, the wording used during sign up, wether policies were opt-in or opt-out, and more. This really got off topic and Dr. Soule suggested that I focus on the parts that related to this experiment. That data is listed below, but the rest of the data and the work that began is still something I want to implement soon (please see my page for details).

Subject-field dishonesty

There are two major forms of subject-field dishonesty. The first, which I simply labeled as Deceptive, is when the subject is clearly a lie.

The one's I found the most offensive were the e-mails that referred to me by my (fake) names or in some other way makes the e-mail appear to be for you as an individual when it clearly isn't (such as the laptop e-mail with a "reference number" in it). Fortunately, these types of e-mails are easy to spot and delete.

The second (and worse) major form of subject dishonesty, which I labeled Cryptic, are e-mails that are ambiguous such that you can't tell if it's legitimate or not.

Spam Experiment: Total number of e-mails received with dishonest or deceptive subjects

From-address field dishonesty

Again, there were two ways that I identified companies could use dishonest "From Address" fields.

Deceptive – By shifting the "From Address" value for each e-mail, a company can make it harder for Spam filters to block their e-mails.

Cryptic – A little more rare and a lot worse, these are the e-mails who's from addresses appear to be legitimate.

The only offender in this experiment was Lycos who occasionally sent out an e-mail labeled "Printing Services" or "Business Cards", but a hard-core spammer will use common names like "Bob" or "Susan" hoping that you know someone with that name and will open the e-mail without checking the "from address" field (which Microsoft Outlook STILL doesn't let you display in your inbox).

Spam Experiment: Total number of e-mails received with dishonest or deceptive 'From' fields

The Conclusion

Letgitimate online providers are not generally interested in sending unsolicited e-mails or selling your name to people who do. Even if they are, by opting-out where available, you will avoid most Spam.

Some of the companies in this experiment I would consider less than honest. Those that used deceptive and cryptic e-mails, ones that use Spam as an advertising tool, ones that offer "free" items that are clearly not, etc. In this experiment, even these companies respected opt-out options (if they had any) and the unsubscribe requests.

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|INDEX|next: E-mail Viruses

E-mail Dangers

Until we find out who the people are who actually buy things from spammers and kick them off the Internet, you're going to have to learn how to deal with and prevent spam.
E-mail Viruses - Learn how viruses are spread through e-mail and how to stop them
Phishing - Spot and avoid lures that pull you into the dark side of the web
Don't be one of those people that loses thousands of dollars to the classic Nigerian Scam.

E-mail Etiquette

Use CC only when necessary and BCC the rest of the time.
Use Reply-All when you mean to and never when you don't.
Practice proper E-mail Forwarding to protect privacy and make e-mails more readable.
Always personalize your e-mails to make it obvious to your recipient that it's valid.

E-mail Tips and Tricks

Using E-Mail Aliases Properly - Be careful about using sensitive data (like your real name) in an e-mail account.
Remember to treat your e-mail account with the security it deserves.
Use a decoy e-mail account to keep your main e-mail account free of spam.
Avoid using any Internet provider's default e-mail.

... or check out any of my other guides and tutorials by clicking here!

Preventing Spam

Spam is annoying and worthless, but you still see it every single day. Here are some tips for preventing and reducing spam.

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E-mail Viruses

Make sure that viruses don't sneak onto your computer through your e-mails. Read some simple tips to prevent that from happening.

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By far the most dangerous thing you'll find in e-mails is a lie. Sending a bogus e-mail to someone is generally called phishing, but can also be referred to as a Nigerian scam (depending on the goal of the e-mail). Learn to recognize and deal with phishing before it's too late.

[Click for full description]

Nigerian Scam

Many people have lost thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars to the classic Nigerian Scam. Don't fall for it!

[Click for full description]

How to Use "CC" Properly

Don't violate people's privacy and invite spam into their accounts by CC'ing all your contacts. Learn the proper way to send mass e-mails first.

[Click for full description]


It's easy to embarass yourself or harm your career when you don't know how to use Reply-All appropriately.

[Click for full description]

How to Forward E-mails Properly

Don't forward e-mails carelessly or you risk looking foolish as best and violating the privacy of all your contacts at worst.

[Click for full description]

Personalize E-mail

Follow this simple rule of e-mail etiquette to help prevent your friends and family from falling for phishing scams.

[Click for full description]

Using E-Mail Aliases Properly

It can be hard to find a good name to use in an e-mail account that hasn't been used and doesn't give away too much information about you.

[Click for full description]

Protecting E-mail Passwords

Your e-mail account is the most important online account you have. Remember to treat it as such!.

[Click for full description]

Using a Decoy E-Mail Account

Why it's very important to use a buffer e-mail account to shield your main account from people and companies that you don't trust.

[Click for full description]

The ISP E-mail Trap

Don't fall for the trap of using the free e-mail account provided to you by your Internet service!

[Click for full description]