Dominos – For your pasta, shame on you

Given how bad Pizza Hut has become, Dominos has been my go-to. I like the pizza and breadsticks, but what I don't like is getting ripped off.

One of my kids prefers pasta so we order with every pizza night, but when we do, we get this. every. time:

Example 1
Example 2

Dominos can put as much pasta in their tins as they want and they can charge as much as they want, but what they can't do is give us the pathetic display above when what they advertise is this:

Dominos menu 20190928

And now… ENHANCE.

Nearly full. Nothing like any pasta I've ever seen from Dominos

I have never once recieved or seen a pasta from Dominos that has even close to the pictured amount of pasta. When we open it, it's half-full at best and we have to decide if we're going to complain and make one of their poor delivery people come all the way out to give us a second half-empty pasta or just let it go.

I'm generally a happy customer when it comes to Dominos, but being shorted over a $5 pasta dish over and over for years gets a little aggravating. Shame on you Dominos.

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Q: How does my first Pizza Hut pizza rate after a six-year haitus? A: Not good.

Well... that's no good.
(Image copyright Jeremy Duffy)

Several years back, we noticed that my son was having an adverse reaction to Pizza Hut pizza (he puked every night after eating their food) so we stopped buying it. Since then we've been primarily a Domino's family and it's been fine, but I remember really liking Pizza Hut once and when a new store moved into the shopping center across the street, I figured it was time to try again.

To make it a fair test, I got the same pizza I always order (with pineapple of course) and a side of garlic knots (just to make the test complete). I figured even if it wasn't the same, at least I had pizza and there's no bad pizza…

(Image used under: Creative Commons 2.0 [SRC])

So I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

The regular crust is basically some kind of sweet and fluffy white bread baked on one side in a thick layer of oil. There was almost no sauce on it and what was there thin and lacking in flavor. Basically, it tasted like an oily tomato-cheese donut.

As for the garlic knots, the bread is the same donut-texture and I could barely taste any garlic. The "marinara" sauce (and I can't stress the finger-quotes enough here) was a soupy ketchup-like substance with a few tiny leaves of basil or oregano in it (for authenticity I suppose).

I hoping to eat part of it for dinner and save some for the next day's lunch, but I ended up giving it to the kids instead (it does rate a little higher than the pizza they serve for school lunches… though that's not a high bar to exceed). Thinking back, their pizza has always been this way, but having taken a break for so long made the difference much clearer. There was a time I could tolerate it; I might have even liked it, but from now on I'll go with someone else… anyone else – I think that might be the last Pizza Hut I eat.

Note: This is not a paid review, I just legitimately tried Pizza Hut again after a long break and regretted my choice.
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Lock your credit reports with a Credit Freeze to prevent credit-based ID theft (90% of ID theft risk).
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The Identity Theft Victim's Mini-Guide to Recovery

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Credit Freeze

Setting a credit report freeze is the fastest and most effective way to actually block and reduce your risk of ID Theft. And it's free.

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Out and About Defense

The best defense against non-credit ID Theft and a variety of other risks is to adopt a mindset of protection: Data Defense. Learn how to protect your information with simple and sometimes free countermeasures all based on a simple philosophy that the less people who have your information, the safer you are.

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