Israel Airport Security is Good Because of Profiling

You know a good way to spot a terrorist? Look for someone who looks and acts like one (like they do in Israel)!
I know this ridiculous concept of banning profiling came out of the dark days of racism where people were profiles on things that didn't matter like the color of your skin. But that doesn't mean that profiling is wrong.
People profile all the time and they should. If you walk out to your car late at night and there's younger male with ratty clothes staring you down while sharpening a machete, should you keep walking since you "don't want to offend him by running the hell away"?
Give it a rest folks. If the TSA didn't have to give kids and the elderly the same attention as someone who's actually likely to be a terrorist, imagine how much smoother and simpler flying would be.
Tags: Airports, Backscatter Xray, Israel, Physical Security, TSA