Saturday, April 27th, 2019 (
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A fairly clever video maker has created a tutorial on copyright law using, of all things, Disney movie clips. It's humorous and informative which is a good combination 🙂
Just be careful because the speed that he switchs between clips might make you convulse.
Fair Use
Thursday, May 9th, 2019 (
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Here's an interesting take on the whole situation. According to Computer and Communications Industry Association, fair use of copyrighted materials adds more value to the US economy than the copyright holders themselves.
Fair Use
Tuesday, March 12th, 2019 (
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From the "thank gosh the hackers are on our side" department, it appears that the encryption scheme used on HD DVDs has nearly been broken. The copy protection scheme is supposed to prevent pirates from making and distributing copies of movies, but it also prevents normal users from exercising their fair use rights.
DVD Encryption,
Fair Use,
Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 (
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Have you been targetted by a "takedown" letter threatening you if you didn't take down your posted video? The EFF is looking for you.
Were you or someone you know unfairly caught in Viacom's dragnet? If your video was hit with a bogus takedown, contact -- we may be able to help you directly or help find another lawyer who can. In this situation, as in so many others, EFF will work to make sure that copyright claims don't squelch free speech.
Big Business,
Fair Use