HD DVD Crack Gets Widespread Attention

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This article is worth reading just from this tagline alone:

Last night, the AACS LA's attempts to keep an HD DVD crack under wraps backfired in a spectacular fashion. Pandora's Box is now wide open, and there's no going back now.

The problem with DRM is that they companies are doing this for entirely their benefit at the detriment of normal users. It's no wonder that the entire Internet community is against them. Now if we could only get that kind of response for RFID.

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In the DVD Encryption Wars, Hackers are Winning

(Image is in the Public Domain)

From the "thank gosh the hackers are on our side" department, it appears that the encryption scheme used on HD DVDs has nearly been broken. The copy protection scheme is supposed to prevent pirates from making and distributing copies of movies, but it also prevents normal users from exercising their fair use rights.

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