Goodbye Identity Theft. This course will make you tangibly safer from ID Theft today than you were yesterday.
Identity theft is a huge problem, but a bigger problem is how little responsibility the large data brokers and perpetrators of negligent breaches are doing about it. Though you didn't ask to be put at risk, companies profit from credit and data-sharing practices and aren't motivated to put you first.
For the past 13 years, I've written articles, done podcasts, consulted, spoken at conferences, and tried to raise awareness in any way I can. Now, I've put together an online course containing the experiences of more than a decade of ID Theft education. I've watched the rise of the "monitoring services" and insurance scams and "dark web scanning" nonsense and now, I will show you how to apply valid risk-analysis (in an easy-to-understand way) to determine if you are throwing your money away on "security theater".
Most importantly, I will give you solid tips, tricks, and strategies for actually protecting your information based operations risk assessment skills cultivated from more than a decade of working for the Department of Defense. That combined with making you aware of your legal right to force credit reporting companies to stop selling your data to anyone they please (creditors and ID Thieves alike) make this one of the best classes you will ever take.
I will give you information that will make you tangibly safer from ID Theft today than you were yesterday. Click here to see pricing.
Part of our dysfunctional culture is that dissent too often is regarded as form of disloyalty, of not being a team player. Yet to say nothing is tacit consent. Those who desire deep and durable change in our “corporate” culture need to gain the mature understanding that sometimes one’s most harsh critic is one’s most sincere friend.
–E. Writer
Employees are allies, not the adversary
Inside the US’s most secretive spy agency, dedicated employees protect our national security interests while suffering a level of toxicity that could send nuclear lizards tap-dancing through downtown Tokyo. Whether granting multi-million-dollar boondoggle contracts or forcing adoption of therapy-inducing tools and processes, employees watched helplessly as posturing and promotion bullets drove decisions instead of collaboration with stakeholders and the literal world-class experts at hand.
In my book, Are You Listening? Lessons in Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement from the Agency that Doesn’t Listen, you will read the combined stories of nearly 700 employees whose vital feedback was met with blank stares, silence, or retaliation ranging from lost promotion to revocation of security clearance. Stories about trauma-inducing investigations; rampant unaddressed harassment; and soul-crushing politics.
In the world’s first (probably) leadership book from the perspective of what not to do, you will learn how a culture of deafness leads to morale chasmic enough to draw paying tourists and wasted dollars numerous enough to fill it back up. Most of all, you will learn how every attempt to express good intentions/authenticity or boost morale will fail if you shut down the single, most important channel of feedback you have: your own employees.
Sign up for mail updates for the publishing of Are You Listening, Lessons in Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement from the Agency that Doesn't Listen and
get a complimentary copy of my promotional mini-book, Reflections on an NSA Career!
Have you ever wanted to give a thoughtful gift, but couldn't think of a good one? Ever told someone in your family how much you love something only for them to surprise you with… the wrong one? What if you snagged the perfect gift ever for your spouse, but so did your Grandma? Ever had someone ask you what you wanted, but you couldn't think of anything? With a gift registry:
It's easy to add things you like on a list through the year as you think about it. Then, when someone asks what you want, just show them the list. They can pick from there or use it for ideas.
Friends and family can "claim" things on your list so others don't buy the same thing — all keeping it secret from you so the surprise isn't spoiled.
My family has used this site for 12 years in various forms and it's been a huge help. If you're not already using a gift registry in your family, now's a good time to try!
A virus can come from files, e-mails, web pages, or even devices you plug in (like thumbdrives or printers) and destroy your files or your computer once they get in. An anti-virus is software designed to detect and prevent that from happening.
Make sure to keep your operating system up-to-date with security patches or else none of the rest of your security software will be able to protect you.
Maybe you've done everything right and you're computer is sufficiently fortress-like, but then you or someone in your family falls for a simple scam that tricks them into directly installing the bad guy's virus! Learn how to spot and ignore fakes!